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Reborn was observing Chrome. He knew she isn't a normal girl, espescially since.. her organs are illusions.

'How did Tsuna become friends with her?'




"YAMAMOTO'S GOING TO JUMP OFF!!" The whole school was shaken by this early warning.

Tsuna shudders as he remember well how this also happens, 'No, Ie-nii will save him..' He trusted, 'Ren-kun won't let a potential rain guardian to die.'

Exhaling shakily as he just realise the class is already empty, 'Watching from afar, wouldn't hurt right?'

"...I can't understand your feelings. Because even if I became like this, I wouldn't think of ending my own life.. Since I still have my brother and mother waiting for me."

Tsuna watches as Yamamoto interacts with Ie. Another pang hits Tsuna as he looks horrorly at the scene.

'Even if I know how it'll end, it's worrying..' His eyes reflected pain and fear.

He can see Yamamoto looking down as he just remembered of his only family, his father. "I.." He is now taken back to reality and now fears how high he is.

"Yamamoto." Ie offers his hand to help the raven jumps back to the safe side.

Yamamoto looks at Ie with a painful face and took the hand, "Thank you, Ietsuna."

Watching the scene, Tsuna found himself relieved. "I'm so glad.." He slumps down and leans his head back. 'I'm glad Ie isn't as weak as I am back then..'

As the crowd disperse from the small drama, everyone failed to notice Tsuna as he was hidden well in the shadows.

His legs still felt like a jelly that he didn't have the energy to go back to class, or even stand up.

'Heh, to think I can withstand blood and assassins but very weak when it comes to this..'

Tsuna exhales, 'What kind of a second life is this..'

He noticed the onyx eye that has been glued to him, but paid it no attention. He's exhausted.

Reborn on the other hand, suspiscion starts piling up.




"..." Tsuna didn't know how he should react. "Uh, Ie-nii's room-"

Reborn cutted him off, "No, I'm here for you today."

Tsuna tilted his head confused, "But, I thought you're Ie-nii's tutor.."

"Technically I am your and Ie's tutor."

Tsuna stiffen, but then slowly rose his hand to his neck, rubbing it while laughing sheepishly, "Aah, you were always with Ie-nii so I thought.."

"I was mainly told to teach Ie since he's bad at academics unlike you." Reborn told. "Now, tell me about you and Ie."

'Well it was bound to happen anyway, since we live under the same roof after all.' Tsuna hums, "What do you want to know? I think a tutor doesn't need to know of their students' personal life.."

Reborn stares, "Well, I have my own ways of teaching as how every other teacher teaches differently."

"Fair point."

"So, how did you become friends with Chrome Dokuro?"

Tsuna rose his eyebrow, 'Ah, he must've noticed Chrome's illusion organs.' He thought for a while, "I met her when I was checking up my injuries to the hospital."


Tsuna nodded and opened his shirt, 'It was originally because of my miss-step but I didn't lie when I went to the hospital to check it up.' Showing a huge scar over his back, "This."

Reborn stares at it, "How.. did that happen?"

"When I was around.. 10 I think, there was one time when men with somekind of lab jackets and some were using suits." It was the time he saved Mukuro from the Estraneo. "I was playing alone at the park and then they just attacked me I guess."

Reborn observes Tsuna's face to see if he's lying, but saw none. "..."

"Don't worry, it doesn't hurt anymore." Tsuna told. "And thanks to that I get to meet Chrome anyway." He gave a smile.

"I see."

Days passing by fairly fast, Lambo, Bianchi, I-pin and Fuuta already arrives. It wasn't much of an interesting episode, and well Tsuna wasn't there when they made their appearance..

Lambo came when Tsuna was out buying groceries. When he got home, Lambo was sleeping..

Bianchi, well she offers a drink to Ie on the day when Tsuna woke up earlier since he have chores. Thankfully Ie didn't get to drink the poison.

As for I-pin, she came at the school cleaning day but since Tsuna and Ie's class was different, he only saw her figure going up to the rooftop followed by Ie.

Fuuta, well he's from the start is related to mafiosos, so Tsuna actually don't know how Ie met Fuuta. He guessed it's more or less the same, Ie saving Fuuta from the mafiosos.

The day Dino came was eventful though. Men in suits were lining up infront of the house, same as before.

Tsuna who came home before Ie and his friends did, just tilted his head and stated, "Excuse me, I'm trying to go home." And so he went inside his home safely.

Nana was inside, half excited since appearantly Ie's friend who came is good looking. Tsuna sweatdrops at that.

Climbing up to his room, he halted when he saw the blond looking door to door, "Ie-nii's room is this one." He decided to help him.

Dino flinched, "O-Oh, thanks! Haha." He sheepishly laughs before moving away from the door with a tuna fish hanged on it.

'Well, seems like he was also told to not involve me to the mafia.' Tsuna shrugs and went to his room, leaving Dino and two of his men inside Ie's room.

That day, the house almost broke down from Enzio during dinner.. How can Nana and Tsuna not wonder how a turtle can be so huge..?

Anyway, as much as Tsuna thought he was doing fairly good, living his second life..

Getting a fever now wasn't something he thought he would get. 'Did I overwork myself?' He groans to himself as his whole body hurts too.

Forcing himself to wake up and going downstairs, he somehow slipped and fell down. "Oww.."



Two worried voice quickly rushes to him and help him up, "You're burning!"

Tsuna's sight were a bit blurry, "I-I'm fine.." It wasn't convincing.

"You're not! Go back to your room." Ie sternly told as he carried Tsuna, dragging him back to upstairs.

Nana huffs, "I'll prepare meds and some porridge." She exclaims going back to the kitchen.


14 Oct 2021

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