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"Baka-Ie, listen closely. What Tsuna said earlier might be true, and if it does, it's dangerous."

Ie gulps at how serious Reborn looks. He nodded.

"I've once read a file regarding Mosca's structure. It uses deathperation flames as it fuel." Reborn told.

Ie's eyes widen as he shivers, "Flames as fuel..? But at the start I can barely last five minutes in Dying Will Mode?!"

Seeing Reborn doesn't answer, Ie knew that it is much dangerous than he thought. "But.. knowing Xanxus, we won't be able to check before the match. Then if there's someone inside, we can't attack it or the person inside will also get the impact.."

He ruffles his hair, "and if we let it be it'll still suck the flames!"

"It'll be a fight against time."

"I wonder, can he hear me?"

Eyes twitching open, Tsuna stares at the empty space. 'What..?'

"Oh hey there~"

Tsuna sat up, looking at the person calling out to him. "You are.."

The God who gave him his second life. The said God waved with a smile. "How's life?"

Tsuna stares, "..normal?"

The God laughs from the answer, "Well isn't it fun to have a twin brother?"

Tsuna just stayed still.

"Anyway, I'm just here to ask you something for now."

Tilting his head in confusion, he let the God to continue.

"Are you still attached to your previous life?" The fun air was changed into cold stinging air in mere second.

The brunette inhales, not expecting that question. "Halfly." He replies. "I am aware that they're not bound to me and so I can create some distance, however I was in the situation for years. I can't simply forget it."

The God gave a laugh again, "Haha, a proper answer." A sly smile made it's way to the God's. "I've been wondering if I should erase your previous life's memory or not, however, it seems like your knowledge will be needed in the near future."

Tsuna gave a confused look. "What do you mean?"

The God points to Tsuna's chest, where Tsuna's core is placed. "We'll talk again when that little one wakes up."

"Little.. one..?" Tsuna looks at his own chest in confusion. "Wait, does that mean..?"


Thanks to Tsuna's hyper intuition, Reborn and Ie were able to be cautious while dealing with Gola Mosca.

When Hibari swiftly broke mosca and won the battle, the mosca fastly went on berserk and so Ie joined in the battle.

Careful to not give much impact, Ie manages to save the person inside the Gola Mosca, the Ninth.

Xanxus obviously wasn't happy his plan got wrecked, however, Ie managed to be provoked by Xanxus and so the two continues with the Sky battle where all the rings are at stake.

Everything will end then.

and so does, the begining starts too.




"What? Ie-nii left already?" Tsuna who was unexpectedly woke up late just went down as the front door just closed.
'He won't be home until after the ring battle...'

"Why didn't he wake me..-"

Nana gave a worried look, "He said you were hurting yesterday so he wanted you to rest.." She informed, "Are you okay now?"

"It was just a stupid headache.." Tsuna mumble out. "I'll get ready soon.."

"Don't force yourself." Nana reminded. She then sighs, "But still, I'm worried of Ie-kun."

"Why so, maman?" Bianchi who was brushing her teeth asked.

"Doesn't he look.. I'm not sure.." Nana thought for a while, "A bit grown up?"

"Grown up?" Fuuta chimed in.

"Yes, like.. Iemitsu's.." Her face slowly became sad. She huffs, "nevermind."

Bianchi glanced, 'I see she's still sulking because of Iemitsu.' She shrugs.


Since Tsuna wasn't able to bid Ie bye for the day, he just decided to pay a visit as Cielo before the battle.

Whistling as both Ie and Xanxus looks ready, Cielo hops down to beside Ie. "Hey there, how're you doing?"

Reborn glanced, "How rare."

"Just thought I should give encouragement before he went on to the battlefield." Cielo pats Ie's shoulder.

"Cielo.." Ie was a teeny bit touched.

"If you die I'll take care of your body so don't worry." Cielo joked.

The whole family starts complaining, "Cielo!?" Ie also received a shock.

"Just kidding~" Cielo leaned in to Ie's ears, "Custom and First Edition." He whispered.

Ie paused, "what is that?"

"Believe in your guts. I know you can do it." Cielo softly told. "You'll beat Xanxus." He walks away, waving to the group.

Flashing a smile to Chrome and a "You can do it." when he saw her and proceed on leaving the place.

"Not watching?"

Cielo shrugs, "Nope, I have a guarding duty. See ya'." He lastly told before disappearing into the night.

Ie seems to be thinking of something, '...his voice was familiar..'

Walking below the night sky, Cielo hums the Tri-Ni-Sette song.

"Kufufu~ You seem to be in a good mood, Tsuna."

Cielo nodded, "I mean, today's the last day." He grins.

Materialising himself near the disguised Tsuna, Mukuro gave a look. "It's the last day for their fight, and also the begining of his time as the Vongola successor."

Cielo hums, "If it's Ie-nii, I know he can do it."

"Kufufu~ Is that so?"

Feeling some presence nearing, Cielo stretchs. "Well, let's do some light exercise shall we?"



15 Oct 2021

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