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Sadly or not sadly, the 20 years later Lambo poofed back to his time after 3 minutes, just in time to be hitted by the high voltage electricity.

Saved by Ie, afterward Lambo was sent to the hospital and so Reborn nor Tsuna couldn't do anything to summon the 20 years later Lambo, for now.

As the fight with the Varia began, Tsuna who went home earlier since he wasn't interested much in seeing h̶i̶s̶ Ie's guardians' suffering.

He found out how Nana cried because of Iemitsu going away again and Ie drifting apart from her.. like how Iemitsu is. Along with the fact Lambo's hospitalised.

"..mom." Tsuna called out, sadness also swelling up.

Nana gasp and quickly hid her tears away, "Tsu-kun.." She forced a smile.

Tsuna shook his head and hugs her. "It's okay Mom.." He whisper out.

"Tsu-kun.. I.."

"They're meany huh? Not telling us anything.." Tsuna dryly laughs. 'Although I do have a secret too.. heh.'

Nana hugs Tsuna and sobs in his hug, "I've always waited for Iemitsu and never asks anything to him.. But,"

"Ie- Dad's the one at fault here.." Tsuna told. "He must've thought we're fools when we were just waiting for proper explanations."

'I mean, they've been married for years and he never told anything.. As expected he's forever a fool.'

Nana just sobs as Tsuna reassures her, by staying on her side. "Ie-kun too, lately he's always staying out and coming home with injuries.."

'I wish I could tell but as Tsu, I know nothing of the mafias.'

"Take a rest okay mom? I'll take care of the whole chores until you feel better. Or you can stay over the hospital to watch over Lambo if you want."

"Thank you, Tsu-kun." Nana softly reply. "Take care of yourself too, alright?"

"Of course. Anything for you, mom."

Accompanying Nana to visit Lambo, Tsuna's chest tightened. He knew Lambo will be alright, but it just hurts.

However, Ie must go through this or he will never be fit as the Vongola Decimo. Like how he was.

'I wonder how's Ie-nii doing?' With his disguise fully up, he went to the mountain where Ie's supposed to train.

"Basil's still in good shape, I guess that shows how weak Ie is?" He decided to let himself be known.

"He's getting the hang of it." Reborn smirks.

Cielo starts stretching, "Hmm, think he can win if fighting Xanxus?"

Reborn glanced, "If he can succeed."

"What do you think is the Zero Point Breakthrough?" Cielo decided to ask, creating a topic.

"We'll know it when Ie succeeded."

"Heh." Cielo laughs, "Maybe I should help Basil out."

"Yea, you really should. To fill up the times you were absent."

Cielo shrugs, "I still have my life unlike yours who's a full time tutor." He waves before joining in Basil.

"A shame."




"Did you became Ie-nii's guardian?" Tsuna questioned, leaning his back to the bench.

"Mukuro-sama was the one who was scouted but.. He refused." Chrome explained. "And so, I was placed as the replacement."

"Hee~" Tsuna hums, looking at the night sky. The two were at the hospital's little garden. Tsuna accompanied Nana and the girls to visit Lambo whilst Ie and the others were on the Guardian of the Rain's fight.

"How do you think of fighting the Arcobaleno?"

Chrome tensed up, "I'm not as good.. as Mukuro-sama.." She grips on her bag, "And I actually do not wish to be a part of Ietsuna's family.."

Tsuna winced a bit.

"However, since Mukuro-sama trusts me and Tsuna-san also asks me to do so, I'll do my best."

Hearing her determination, Tsuna gave a smile. "Thank you, Chrome."

"I wish you good luck."

The fight of the Mist Guardian, Cielo came in the middle of the fight since he didn't want to be locked inside the small infrared space.

He just came to take a peek from the small windows, verifying Chrome's at her best state.

He knew, even if Chrome said she isn't nearing Mukuro's level, she is already strong. She's enough to beat Mammon.

"I should treat her some snacks to her after this."


Tsuna sighs as his hyper intuition starts ringing again. 'Urgh, I forgot it's the Cloud battle..' Grunting from the pain, he went to the kitchen to search for some aspirin or any pain killer.

'I probably also should tell Ie-nii, but..' A tired sigh escaped his mouth as he stopped his little search and slumps down. 'Please stay safe, Ninth.'


He can hear that call is full of worried, "What's wrong? Tsu??"

"Ie..-nii.." Tsuna hissed out, "My head.. hurts.." He told, leaning his forehead to Ie's side. "Something bad.."

"Are you okay!?" Ie looks completely confused, not understanding what's happening. "What do I..-"

Reborn hums, "Feel the pain and tell me what your feelings is telling you, Tsuna."

"Reborn?" Ie looks at him in disbelief, not helping at all.

'Well, it's a chance.' Tsuna took in a deep breath, feeling the pain taking over him, "..inside," he mumble out, "..mosca.."

"Mosca? Gola Mosca?" Ie looks surprised, "How.."

"..someone inside the mosca.." Tsuna told.

Reborn's eyes narrowed. "That's bad news." He exclaims. "But thank you, Tsuna. Here's some pain killers." Giving a tablet to Tsuna, Reborn gave a look to Ie. "Take Tsuna to bed, Ie."

"You don't have to tell me." Ie hissed out, carrying his brother to his room.

'Someone inside the Gola Mosca.. If I'm not wrong, Mosca's structure is..' His eyes darkened. "We owe Tsuna one for this."


15 Oct 2021

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