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"Welcome back, Tsuna-san." Chrome bows lightly.

"Good to be back, Chrome, Mukuro." Tsuna replies. "Now then, is there anything to be reported?"

"Kufufu~ The arcobaleno came once to check on you."

Tsuna nods at the information, "Then?"

"Mukuro-sama made an illusion of you sleeping and I am also already asleep so he only talked to Mukuro-sama." Chrome told.

"He was just asking how we became acquintances. I told him that we met during the time I broke out of Estraneo where Chrome and you were there too." Mukuro smirks, "It is not a lie."

"Exactly. Thanks Mukuro, Chrome." Tsuna hugs the two.

"Tsuna.. Are you sure you want to leave this to me..?" Tsu gulps as he is infront of his house (the Sawada Residence). "I'm still not used...!"

"It'll be alright! You have to get used to it anyway."

Tsu internally cries, 'But..' He glanced at the two guests beside him.

"Come now, Tsu-kun~" Byakuran grins.

Yuni gave a reassuring smile, "Let's go, Tsu-san."

Tsu gulps and nodded, 'How do I even explain them..'

"Don't worry, Ren-kun is out with Ie-nii and the others for training. I will be the one to explain them to Ren-kun later on."

Tsu heaves relieved sigh, "Alright."

Going inside the house, Tsu open the door, "Mom, I'm home!" He announces.

"Welcome home, Tsu-kun!"

Tsu puts his back on the side first, then proceeds to the living room where Nana is. "Mom, I've brought some guests."

Byakuran and Yuni then shows themselves, "Excuse us for coming, Sawada-san." The two said.

"Oh my, new friends? Welcome welcome!" Nana happily told.

Inside the living room were Bianchi and also Fuuta. Fuuta who doesn't know anything just gave a smile while Bianchi narrows her eyes. 'Their presence are..'

"We'll be uhm, playing? at my room okay?" Tsu got confused at his own words.

Nana nods, "Yes, feel at home you two! I'll bring up some refreshment soon alright?"

"We'll be in your care."

With that the three escapes to Tsuna's room.

"See? It wasn't that hard right?"

Tsu shook his head frantically, "It was so very much nerve wrecking!!!" He whisper yells to himself, earning chuckles and giggles from his two guests.

"You did well, Tsu-san. Don't worry!"

Byakuran nods, "Yup!"

Crying crocodile tears, "Thank you.."



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