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Peep, 39°C.

"Tsu, you're burning up. How can you try and go to school?!"

Tsuna just grunted, "My head hurts.." He protested to himself. 'Or is it the intuition..?'

"Migraines? I'll get the meds from mom first." Ie told, "Don't you dare, get out." He lastly threaten before leaving Tsuna alone in the room.

Looking at his blurry ceillings, Tsuna tried to focus. Focusing on his hyper intuition. Just what is it trying to tell him?

The door creaks open then, revealing Nana with a tray. "Tsu-kun, eat this and then drink the medicine alright?" Behind her were Bianchi with the kids on her shoulder and Fuuta infront but holding Bianchi's feet, peeking maybe because they're interested.

Tsuna huffs and nodded. "Thank you, mom."

As the others were ushered out, to not get infected, Tsuna slumps back not having the appetite to eat.

He took the medicines first, drinking it swiftly and heaved a sigh. After minutes of trying to relax, it fails miserably when a familiar presence enters his room.

"It's trespassing y'know." Tsuna grumble out.

"Kufufu~ I am just simply visiting a sick friend."

Tsuna paused as his HI starts acting up again, "...Are you planning something?"

Mukuro smirks, "How sharp," He offered a hand, "I have come to fulfill that favor you asked."

Loading for a second on which favor he asked, Tsuna remembers, "Ah, the teaching Ie one?" He mumble out to himself. "But what does it have with me?"

"It's a bit painful for me to do this--" Tsuna snorted, "--however I believe with a hostage he will grow."

'Well not untrue, like that fight in the future, since I want to go back safely to the past with Kyoko and Haru, I manage to beat Byakuran..' Tsuna thought.

He slowly smirks, "I've got an idea." Tsuna exclaims. "How about if you do it this way..?"

'Sorry to Mukuro in my previous world, but I'm stealing your idea.'


Nana frowns at the news, seemingly Namimori students were assaulted lately. "How dangerous.."

"Ie-kun, you should be careful too." Nana warned, "I don't know if I should be glad right now Tsu-kun's sick or not.." She mumble out, sighing.

"I wonder why Namimori students are targetted though.. Did they do something?"

"Or maybe they're aiming something." Reborn voiced out. "Like, the candidate of Vongola the Tenth."

Ie shivers, "M-Me?!"

Midori tanabiku Namimori no~

Startled from the sudden noise, Ie looks around, "Our school's anthem!?"

Peep, his head looks infront, where Hibari is there taking a call. 'It's Hibari-san's ringtone?!'

Suddenly Hibari looks at him and closed the call, "Ryohei Sasagawa." Ie tilted his face, "He's an acquintance of yours right?"

"He was assaulted as well."

"As expected, the cause of the fight is you, Ie." Reborn announced when he saw the teeth of Kusakabe.

"The assaulted students teeth were taken as a countdown."

Taking out a paper with a list in it, Reborn showed it to Ie. "It fits this ranking list too."

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