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Thrusting his trident to Ie's head, he found his weapon was bounced back by Ie's fist.

Mukuro hums, 'His movement has indeed improved,' Evading some more punches to his face, 'But high chance it is because of that bullet.'

Ducking down, Mukuro then kicks Ie's side, to be blocked again. Except that the first kick was an illusion and the second one was the real one.

Ie got thrown to the side as Mukuro huffs. "How is it for a warm up?" Ie still looks calm, his observation skill kicks in.

Mukuro creates another illusion, rushing towards him. 'An illusion..' Ie stood still as he knew it's an illusion until a peble hits him face on.

"He hid stones within illusions. Don't underestimate him, stupid Ie." Reborn informed.

Then Mukuro rushes to him himself, smirking widely. "Ie."

Ie clicked his tongue, "I know!" He used his flame to move behind Mukuro and kicks Mukuro, sending him to the wall.

"Kuhahaha!" Mukuro laughs out, "Shall I get serious then.." He reached his right eye as it turn into the fifth path and pierced it.

"Mukuro-sama!" A loud exclaimation was heard from the place Tsuna was sitting on the couch before.

Mukuro paused, "I forgot about that." He admitted.

Slowly the place around the couch distorted, revealing a sleeping Tsuna with Chrome on the couch.

"What..?" Ie's eyes widen, "That girl.. Isn't she Tsu's friend?"

Mukuro sighs, retreating his trident. "Well, it seems the plan stops here." His right eye changes back to the number six kanji. "I got over excited."

Chrome gave a sigh. "Mukuro-sama.."

Reborn looks at the two, "Whose sick joke is this?" He decided to ask.

Mukuro chuckles as he glanced at the sleeping Tsuna. A shadow then showed up from behind the couch and waves at Reborn.

"It was mine."


Showing himself as he was already found out, revealing a raven haired boy with light brown eyes. He was wearing a mask with a black sweater.


Ie who slowly cooled down from Hyper Dying Will Mode tilts his head, "That's.. Cielo?"

"Sorry for not telling you beforehand, Ren-kun. I just wanted to test out Ie on my own way.." Cielo told.

Reborn smirks, "No worries, although it was kind of unpleasant, it's a good experience for Ie."


"Glad we're in the same page bestie." Cielo winks.

"You have no worries since mostly it is Mukuro's illusions. In truth no one has been harmed too much."


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