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Sleeping the day to recover from his tiredness and also injury, he ignores the calling from his family. Thankfully Reborn was having his meeting with the other Arcobalenos so no one dares to break in. So he get free time for half day.

That was until Ie came back from school with his two friends, two very loud storm and rain..

"Hoy! Open the damn door! You're making Tenth worry so much!"

"Haha, calm down Gokudera, you're gonna tear the door down.."

Tsuna grumbles, "Stop banging and bickering.." He mumble out annoyedly.

Opening his eyes, he groans as he felt the pain from his head, the impact from the brick. 'I wonder if it's still bleeding..' He felt lightheaded.

Sighing as he felt damp, his shirt is dried but sticky. He looks at his bed where there were clearly traces of blood, espescially on his head. "I'll just buy new ones and throw this out then." He promptly decided and finally stood up.

The banging was still loud.

He unlocks his door and it finally became silent, creaking the door a bit, enough for a peek, "What do you want?" His voice cracked, followed by some coughs.

"Aha! Ie!! Tsuna's awake!"

Some loud thud followed by rushings, he guessed Ie slipped. "Tsu!"

Still coughing time to time, "Ie-nii.. I'm tired so can you just, get these two out?" Tsuna grumbles out.

The three froze, not expecting Tsuna to be saying that kind of sentence. "Tsu? What's wrong? Are you sick?"

Ie wanted to open the door but unexpectedly, Tsuna's stronger than him in holding the door. Tsuna hums as he felt his body temperature is higher. "Fever." He stated. "So let me sleep will you?"

Ie looks at him worriedly, "B-But, you haven't eaten anything from last night too! I'll prepare medicines so-"

Wiping his mouth that lets out more trails of blood, Tsuna frowns. "I'm fine. I'll be okay." He cutted him off, ignoring the angry storm and stunned rain. "Just, let me know when Byakuran and Yuni's visiting okay?"

"..what?" Ie's mumbling was met with another locked noise. "T-Tsu!"

"I'm going to sleep, don't worry." Tsuna lastly told before he drags himself to infront of his bed. Pulling the sheets where it's wet and bloody, he threw it to the floor and also his current clothes too.

Changing to a much lighter clothes, he lay down on the bed again, coughing a few more times. 'I wonder how's Byakuran's guardians doing..' He drifted off to another sleep.




Yuni and Byakuran frowns, "He hasn't stepped out from his room since yesterday after school?"

Ie nodded while chewing on his lip, "Seems like he's sick, he has been coughing and told that he had a fever but.. He's locked himself."

"That stupid-" Byakuran rushes up to Tsuna's front door. "Tsu-chan!"

Yuni gave a reassuring smile, "Don't worry, Ietsuna-san. We'll pull him out from his room." She told before following Byakuran in calling Tsuna.

"Tsuna-san, it's us."

After a few seconds, they heard the door unlocking, and the two were pulled in, before it locked again.

The two gasps looking at Tsuna's condition, "T-Tsuna-san!"

"How's Byakuran's guardians?"

Byakuran sighs, "Why do you always worry for others and not yourself?!" He exhales, calming himself down. "They're in a comatose state. Barely alive."

Holding back a cough, "I see.." Tsuna tiredly sigh.

Yuni hold Tsuna's shoulder, "Nevermind that! You need to be in a hospital for your head injury and high fever!" She loudly scolded.

"Yuni, Byakuran.." He called out, "I think I made a mistake." He trails off.

"What? What do you mean?"

Coughing a few times he spat on blood, "I think, because I unconsciously uses sky flames.." He stares at the blood on his hand, "I awoken Tsu's too."


Tsuna gave a look to the two, "This body can't hold both our souls anymore. Our sky flames are fighting to control this body." He bit his lip, "We need to create that miracle faster."

"But the body- We haven't found out how to create a body for your soul!" Yuni exclaims. "A soul without a body.. Wouldn't you disappear?"

Tsuna clutchs into his chest, "But, if I do that.. Tsu'll be saved."

"Tsunayoshi!" Byakuran loudly exclaim, holding Tsuna's collar, "Why do you always-"


Tsuna glares, "I've already lived once. I was supposed to die, but then here I am." He huffs, "But if Tsu's life is on the line, I will-"

"But even so! How about you?"

"STOP!" Yuni pulls both hands, "Don't fight. Don't fight.." She held back her tears, looking at the two.


Byakuran releases his hold on Tsuna's collar and huffs, "This is unfair."

"Life's always unfair." Tsuna scoffs. "But Tsu deserves better. That's why, please, Byakuran?"

The albino bit his lip, "I still don't like it, but fine." He mumble out. "For Tsu."

Tsuna gave a small smile, "For Tsu."

Yuni heaved a sigh, "How's Tsu-san's soul?" She asks worriedly.

"He's still asleep from the shock yesterday and also flames outburst." Tsuna informed, "Our souls are connected after all."

"Then.. what do we do?"

Tsuna looks at the sky, "Gather at Namimori Shrine, it's surrounded with forest so there's no much people there." He mumble out, "Meet you there in an hour."

"We have no time to explain I guess."

"Heh," Tsuna smirks, "Isn't it fun seeing their confused face?"

Byakuran and Yuni sweatdrops.


20 October 2021

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