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"It's alright it's alright." Tsuna reassures while chuckling at the embarassed Tsu.

Hiding his face, "I've ruined the whole thing from the start." He shrieks lightly.

"You'll get used in time. So practice in the party!"

Recovering slowly, "Party..? Ah, Maman- I mean mom told us to get ready for that." He starts changing his clothes. "Er, Lambo? Was it? To celebrate his release right?"

"Yes. And also, Ie-nii's winning in the sumo contest."

Tsu sweatdrops, "Sumo.."

"..well, just go along with it."

Tsu nodded and finished his preparation. "I can do this." He whispered out to himself lastly before going down, to where everyone else is already ready.

Arriving at TakeSushi, everyone calls out to Ie's name. Tsu on the other hand, tries to list their names and also time to time felt the pang of pain that came from Tsuna.

'Tsuna..' Tsu worriedly called out, rubbing his chest, where their souls are.

"Sorry, Tsu."

Shooking his head, 'It's okay. I've seen your memories so I know.'

A tug, "Tsuna-nii, come eat too!" Tsu turns his head to see his pants was tugged by Fuuta.

"Yes, Maman is waiting over there!" Ipin added on.

Tsu nodded with a smile, "Alright, let's go." With that the three went to where Nana was sitting, watching over the ruckus Ie and his family made.

"What a warm family."




'As the God told, we need to gather the tri-ni-sette, and also need to search for a body for my soul.'

Groaning to himself, 'How can I even get a body?'

"How about we gather the tri-ni-sette first, then we can think of a solution with them!"

Tsuna halted, 'Well, having more brains to think of it is much better than just two.' He agrees. 'Alright, then..' He went to his monitors' front. "I wonder where's this world's Byakuran and Yuni are.." He mumble out, grinning enthusiastically before his hand starts typing on the keyboard fast.

"Maybe before you leave me, you can teach me how to hack too, Tsuna."

Tsuna hums, 'Not a bad idea. Added how you have my memories too, I'm sure it'll be easy for you.'

Pressing the enter button, the two monitors each showed a map. "Found them." He proudly announces.

"So fast!!"

Tsuna grins proudly, "Of course. I'm not HackerCielo27 for nothing." Typing some more on his keyboard, now information starts showing on the screens. "Now, how do I approach them.."

Back to stumped.

Tsuna's eyes slowly stares at the screen, reading the information. 'Byakuran's 16 years old while Yuni's 12 years old here. Aria-san is..' Pressing a few keys, his face darken, 'Already died from the short-life span curse..-'

'Ah, while I'm at it, I should probably remove the curse too. Meaning I'll need to find Grandpa Talbot too..' Moving the information regarding Yuni and Byakuran to one same screen, he starts searching for Talbot on the other screen.

Putting his chin on his fingers, he thought got a while, 'If Yuni is the sky arcobaleno already, wouldn't she recognise me..? From future sight or.. from how she can also get knowledge from parallel worlds.'

He got into conclusion, 'I'll meet up with Yuni first then.'

Glancing at the clock, "How do I get to.." His eyes lit up, grinning as he got an idea.

Opening his phone, dialing Chrome in a sec, "Chrome, I need your help again."




"Mom?" Tsuna called out in the morning.

Nana looks at his son confusedly, "What's wrong Tsu-kun?"

"Can I get permission to stay over at a friend's house?"

"Oh my, of course! Whose house?"

"Mukuro, ah, he's Chrome's half-brother!" Tsuna happily announced while Ie who was eating with them gagged.

"You know, Mukuro?!" Ie questioned, panicly. "How? When? Where-" He chokes on his breakfast then.

"Drink drink! Calm down Ie-nii!" Tsuna handed his twin a glass. "I told you right? He's Chrome's half-brother! I know him for her of course."

"Why are you staying over his house?" Reborn decided to ask.

"Chrome's planning to transfer to Nami-chuu. So Mukuro asks me to help her catch up with her studies and also the school transfer test." Tsuna grins out.

"How nice of you, Tsu-kun! Next time invite Chrome over again okay? With that Mukuro too." Nana gives her permission.

Tsuna nods, "Of course, thanks mom." He gave a kiss on Nana's cheeks and left the dining room.

"Oh my!" Nana smiles happily.

'Yay, now time to meet up with them~' Tsuna happily thought while he packs his stuff. It's also weekend anyway, no school to worry!

"I'll be off! See you in a few days!"

and with that, Tsuna's out of Reborn's observation list, for a while, hopefully. Well Mukuro and Chrome have his back anyway, if anything happens it's all Mukuro's fault.


Now, to the airport!


19 October 2021

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