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"It has been a while, uncle Reborn. I apologise for being unable to greet you earlier." Yuni give a bright smile.

Ie who was at the side gagged, "U-Uncle?!"

"You've grown well, Yuni." Reborn nodded.

Yuni giggles happily.

"Sorry to make you wait!" Tsuna exclaims, rubbing his hands which is wet since he helped Nana in doing the dishes. "Huh? What're you all doing crowding over the stairs?"

"We were on the way to your room, Tsuna-san." Yuni told.

Tsuna rose his eyebrow, looking at a certain albino who's sulking. "Byakuran, what are you doing?"

Pouting, "I thought we could spend the night here.." Byakuran trails off.

Tsuna rolls his eyes, "Didn't Yuni booked a room at the nearby hotel already?"


"Byakuran, we mustn't bother for too long. And we can meet up again anyway, don't be such a child."

Byakuran whines.

"You're the oldest here so act like one geez." Tsuna sighs.

"The three of you are so close huh?" Reborn commented.

The three glances at each other, before giving a smile. "Yup!"

After they went upstairs, it was decided for them to come to Ie's room since it's larger than Tsuna's.

It is because Reborn wanted to continue the coughsinterrogationcoughs questioning session.

Tsuna hums, "How we became friends right?" Reborn nodded confirming the question.

"I met Byakuran when he was having a holiday here. He's from.. Italy right?" Cues, Byakuran nodded, "I think it was around when I'm 11 or so? Byakuran was lost and so I helped him."

Before Byakuran can add on any other information, Tsuna continues, "As for Yuni, she's Byakuran's friend and I met her through Byakuran! Then everytime they have their holiday over here, I always come to play with them."

"It's fun to have friends to play with."


Tsuna grins happily, "And since usually they were the one having me as a guest, I thought why not play at my place this time, so here we are."

Reborn tilted his fedora, "Is that so?"


After a few moments of silence, Reborn glanced at Yuni, "Yuni, can we talk in private?"

Yuni tilts her head, "Of course, uncle." With that the two went to the veranda.

Ie on the other hand, observes Byakuran. His eye then catches the ring he have. "Byakuran, right?"


"Can I ask about your ring? It has an interesting shape.."

Byakuran blinks, "Sure!" He gave a sly smile, "What do you want to ask?"

"What kind of ring is that?" Ie asks curiously.

Byakuran hums, "This ring is called Mare ring.." He then eyed Ie's neck where the Vongola ring is chained as a necklace. "It's more or less kind of similiar to your ring I guess?"

Ie blinks, "My.. ring?"

"Uhuh." Byakuran points to the Vongola ring. "Your Sky Vongola Ring."

Ie flinched, "H-How do you-"

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