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Cielo nodded towards Reborn, "I'll try to be here until that CEDEF boy recovers." He announced, giving a smirk towards Ie who is clearly confused.

Cielo is currently disguising himself as a different guy from before, now he have blond hair and blue eyes. "Now then, come at me."



"Looks like the Varia has arrived." Tsuna glanced at the doorstep's location where Iemitsu is talking to Ietsuna and Reborn.

Heaving a sigh, he returns his attention to the others inside the kitchen. 'Fuuta, Lambo and I-pin aren't here,,'

"Where's Fuuta and the others?" Tsuna decided to ask Bianchi who was the only there with Nana.

"Hm? I think they went to play with Kyoko and Haru."

Tsuna frowns as his head, or more precisely his hyper intuition rang. He grunted, "I have a bad feeling.." He intentionally mumbled out.

Standing up, he went to the doorstep, ignoring how the atmosphere tensed, "Ah, Ie-nii.." He gave a smile, "Welcome back."

"I'm back." Ie replies stiffly.

"Ie-nii." He gave a worried look, "I have a bad feeling.." He voiced out, earning suspiscious looks from Reborn and surprised look from Iemitsu.

Ie looks confused, "What's wrong?"

"Fuuta and the others aren't home yet.." He informed, "And my head starts hurting and I got a bad feeling.."


"Ie'll search for them. Don't worry and wait here, Tsuna." Reborn took over. "Let's go, Baka-Ie."

"Wait, Reborn-?"

Tsuna gave a worried look and held himself back, "Hurry.. Don't want them to be hurted.." He lastly say before Ie was pulled out of the house by Reborn.

"Don't worry Tuna-fish. Iey will get them home safely." Iemitsu ruffles Tsuna's hair. "We'll be going then."

"...take care."

"Do you think he have the intuition?" Iemitsu questioned.

"He does have the Vongola's blood." Reborn replies. "At the very least, it seems his intuition is stronger than Ie's."

"However I won't get Tsuna inside this fiasco." Iemitsu has decided, "We don't want to lose him."

Ie stares at the two, "lose him..?"


Startled from the sudden call out, Ie shrieked. "T-Tsu!?" He heaved a relieved sigh, "You surprised me."

Frowning, "Ie-nii, are you okay?" Tsuna can see how Ie's trembling. "What's wrong?"

"I-It's nothing!" Ie quickly told. "It's just.. cold?" He sheepishly laugh, pretending to be shivering.

Sighing at the poor lie, Tsuna shook his head. "Then wear a jacket." He told. "I won't pry further but, it's pretty obvious you're hiding something, Ie-nii." Tsuna lastly told, showing how he's disappointed and left Ie to school.

"..." Ie bit his lip, 'Sorry, Tsu. I can't tell you since I also don't want you to be involved..'

He remember that one time where Mukuro gave an illusion of Tsuna being in there and shivers, 'I don't want that to happen..'




Tsuna decided to cool himself down from his hyper intuition's warning by gulping down some cold water or something, he open the fridge, and he then felt a presence, coming close. 'Adult Lambo?' He took out the milk's box and put it out on the table.

Grabbing two glasses, he pours the milk and sat down, waiting for the lightning to come.

"Oh? I didn't expect someone to be here already." A deep voice told. "Huh? You are.."

Tsuna glanced at adult Lambo. "Hello." He greeted, offering a cup of cold milk. "Ah, or would you prefer hot milk?"

"Cold milk are fine." Adult Lambo replies, thanking for the cup. "You don't find me strange?"

'So does that mean even in ten years later I wasn't find out or was exposed to the mafia?' Tsuna hums, "We have a lot of people residing here as Ie-nii's friend. Since you doesn't seem suspiscious, I guessed you are one of them?"

"The demonic intuition huh."

Tsuna just tilt his head and finished his cup of milk. "I'll be going to sleep now, good night?"

"Sleep well, Tsuna-nii."

"You too."

"Lambo fight!!"

Cielo crouched down at the rooftop's building, watching the fight quietly. 'I wonder how will this world's 20 years later Lambo..'

Levi charges directly to Lambo who just got fried from the lightning, "Lambo! Get away!!" Ie yelled out.

Lambo just sobbed out, shooting himself with the TYL Bazooka.

As the adult, or well, 15 years old Lambo came, he sighs and set up his Electrico Cornata.

Touching his chest to feel the flame core, Cielo heaved a sigh too. 'I wonder what will happen to us..'

His eyes then shortly returns to the fight, where the 15YO Lambo's attack failed and Levi countered attack.

As Lambo got hurt, he cried out and shot himself with the TYL Bazooka again.

'As expected, the twenty years later's Lambo is different.' Cielo thought feeling the more familiar lightning presence. 'Wait no, this presence.. No way..'

"Huh? What's this?" 20 years later Lambo looks around. He then looks at Cielo and became more confused, "What? Two Tsuna-niis?" Cielo could hear him mumbling out.

'Tsuna? Then, this Lambo.. He's from another, no, is it my original world?' Cielo's eyes narrowed, confused. 'But why?'

He looks at the bazooka that's lying oh-so innocently on the ground, also sparking some electricity, meaning it's malfunctioned.

'....but if this happens, why does the 10 years later Lambo's actions different?' Cielo ruffles his hair and decided to just leave. 'This world is so weird.'

He lastly glanced at Ie and the others, "...Make sure to save Lambo, Ie-nii."

"What? Two Tsuna-niis?"

Reborn and the others who heard that became confused. 'What?'

'The knowledge between the 10 years later and 20 years later's Lambo is different.. Something is, odd.'


15 Oct 2021

The 20YL Lambo.. 🤔

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