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Cielo blinks a few second as he felt warmth spreading from his core. '...this is..' Looking at the direction of Namimori middle, Cielo debated if he should come closer or stay.

Feeling his intuition, he came closer, to break in the illusion and see the climax.

Xanxus' already frozen.


Cielo placed his hand to his chest. 'He's.. waking up..'


Looking from afar the interactions between Ie and Mammon, Cielo deducted that the core flame is reacting to Vongola rings.


As Mammon lit up all of the Vongola rings to melt Xanxus' ice, the thumping became louder.


"Good morning.. Tsu." Cielo whispered out, enough for him to listen.

"Since I've already cleaned up the rest of the Varia, why don't we go home?" Cielo mumble out, leaving the fight as he knew of the outcome.

"You need to catch up a lot since you've been asleep for nine years."




"How are you feeling?"

Confused, brown eyes stares. After processing for a few second, he gave a bright smile. "I'm doing great." He replies.

Cielo gave a smile, "I'm glad then."

"I'm happy you finally woke up, Tsu."

Tsu, or rather, the original Tsuna replies back, "It is thanks to you that I was able to recover."

"It's the God's doing though, perhaps it was their plan, gifting stronger sun flames just to keep you at bay." Cielo chuckles. "Though you've absorbed it all already now."

Tsu giggles as a reply.

Cielo looks at the empty space, and his eyes looks distant. "Now, I wonder what will happen.."

Tsu's eyes changes into sad ones, "Are you, going to leave?"

Cielo hums, "Who knows.. The God said something the other day.."

"Aha, glad you remember me~"

Tsu flinched, shrieking slightly from being startled.

The God laughs, "Now now, don't be surprised. I just came to continue what I was about to say to you," The God gave an offering hand towards Cielo. "What do you think of becoming this world's Tri-Ni-Sette's administrator?"

"What?" Cielo halted, "Isn't that.. Kawahira-san's.."

"This world's Kawahira.. is dead." The God exclaimed. "Ah he died because of natural causes, do not worry!"

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