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Confirming the room and the window's locked, Tsuna turns on his computer set.

'Vongola extermination.. joint family.' As usual, his hands presses on the keyboard fast, researching the said family.

Reading the list, he scoffs. "Geh, it's full of small families who just created themselves." He rolls his eyes, "Did they think they'll be able to beat just by number? Underestimating much."

His other hand already reached his phone and dials Mukuro. "Sent you the coordinates, have fun."

Scrolling down the identities of all members of the families, he clicked his tongue as all they did were crimes for self-satisfactory and--

Tsuna halted.

"......" His eyes darken, "Mukuro, there are some Estraneo as the member there." His gaze filled with hatred and disgust. "They're still doing experiments.."

The other line got cutted off. Probably Mukuro destroyed his phone.

Tsuna inhales, closing his eyes, trying to calm himself down. "I should go too." He mumble out, jumping out from the window to where the enemy base is.

Since he didn't want to waste time, he changed his looks using mist flames, brown flat hair and black eyes which shine blaze orange time to time, showing how he's angry.

Arriving at the base, which isn't that far, he quickly found himself infront of an electronic device to hack into it.

"Weak firewalls." Cielo shrugs, making the whole system down.

Going inside the base, he knew Mukuro's there somewhere, alone, trapping the members with nightmares perhaps.

Cielo went to the control room and check the experiment labs. "It's lesser than before thankfully, but.." His eyes flashes as he saw some familiar names on the list. "...this is.."

He clicked his tongue and went to the basement where the experiments are held.

As he waited for the lift to bring him to the basement, he materialises a gun and also pulled out his phone. Dialing a certain marshmallow freak, he's getting impatient.

Not being answered, he decided to send his coordinates to Yuni and Byakuran, the three's group chat. He then proceeds to call Yuni.


Coming out from the lift, he went defensive and hid his gun. Glancing around, finding no one yet, he continues to walk.

"Yuni?" As the other line finally got through he exhales, "Emergency. Sent coordinates, Byakuran's guardians.." He bit his lip, "Experimented."

His eyes glance to the iron bars lining up on the most innerside. "Get medics ready." He ended the call and put his phone back to his pocket.

He looks the other side, where he felt Mukuro's presence. 'It's probably the bastards there.' He walks to the jail sections and grimaced.

'..starting from 50 children and reduced to..' He hisses as he only saw 5 barely alive. 'Maybe it's fate, Byakuran's guardians are the ones to survive.'

Glancing to the back where there are some people sneaking around, he sighs. Walking back a few steps, his eyes flashed amber as he disappears from infront of the men's sight, reappearing in the middle of them.

Some startled gasp greeted him, but he quickly snap their necks. Evading some bullets aiming to his head, he materialises a gun, shooting back to them.

What he didn't expect was someone to throw a literal brick to his backside of head.

He staggers a bit from the pain and injury, but it didn't affect him as much, for now. Because his anger overwhelm him.

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