6: missing her

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𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐫

dark grey, all alone


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Hard wooden floor touched her bare skin as she sat cross-legged in front of her opened trunk. Her breathing was calm, though she did not feel that same tranquillity anywhere in her body. Her legs bounced up and down very often as she had noticed in the weeks she spent in the small room.

Even at night, she could never quite get the right position to ease her legs constant desire to move. Forcing her legs to still only caused a feeling of cramp that she would rather not feel for too long. The urge to move her legs got her twisting in the old sheets very often so only after hours she could close her eyes and only open them in the morning.

Telling Mrs Weasley did not help much. The woman only gave her a tonic that was supposed to ease her muscles but it didn't work long enough for her to fall asleep, and when Veela asked how she usually dealt with this, Mrs Weasley could only shake her head apologetically and tell her that only Harry or her parents would know that.

Veela hadn't dared to write Harry yet. It had been nearly a month now and she hadn't spoken to or seen him.

The other people in the house of the Weasleys were cautious around her and tried not to intrude on her privacy too much. They let her have the space she needed and desperately wanted to sort out her thoughts. Only Lupin attempted to ask her about how she was doing with her magic or if she was returned any memories.

Veela quite liked him, she didn't treat her as fragile as the rest. 

Even though Mrs Weasley had said she would have to share a room with the youngest Weasley, that did not end up happening. 

Instead, Veela was brought to the room that once belonged to Percy Weasley. Mrs Weasley didn't like being it for too long so that was another excuse not to bother Veela too often and Veela quite liked it. Percy's name didn't ring a bell anywhere but Ron later assured her it was because she barely knew the man, save for a few encounters.

Percy's room was neat; it had barely any stuff or belongings anymore so Veela figured he must have taken everything with him when he left. He was quite the touchy subject around here so she didn't dare ask what had happened.

Hermione was the only one to share a room now. She had arrived at The Burrow just at the right time since Ginny had been ill for nearly two weeks - feeling nauseous and clammy most of the time - but had just gotten better the day before so Hermione was able to put a spare mattress down on the floor of Ginny's room.

And now, as Veela sat on the creaking wooden floor, it was time to get Harry here.

At least, that was what she was told.

Veela didn't know much about the details but she knew that a large group of people would be leaving this evening to get to Harry and take him back. It was like Veela only then realised how much of a danger Harry was in by just existing.

But she didn't think of that mission as she sat in front of her opened trunk. Just a couple of minutes before, she decided it was time to look through her belongings - to stop being afraid of memories she may not wish to remember but to just let everything dawn upon her so she could make calculated decisions in the future.

She was not going to allow herself to be manipulated by people who knew more of her truth than she did.

Someone - might have been herself before she lost her memories - had all the stuff in the trunk perfectly in order and separated so it was an organised mess of junk.

Veela .|. H. J. POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now