11: love as perfect as love itself

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𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐚𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟

her things and his face


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"So where do you want to start?" Harry asked as he sat down on the carpeted floor next to Veela, crossing his legs. 

"Well, I already sorted some clothing," Veela told him, gesturing at a pile on her bed, "but I found it hard to sort through the objects I have - I don't know what I'll need or if I end up remembering something but then realise it's still in my trunk back here."

Harry nodded, his eyes already tracking over the opened trunk in front of them. He recognised various objects but found it difficult to determine how much they meant to her or how likely the chance was of her remembering and wanting to see those objects when they were on the run. He wanted to make things as comfortable for her as possible. 

Harry's eyes found the golden bracelet very soon since Veela had put it on top of the pile of jewellery. He gulped before picking it up and raising it to the sunlight where it shone brightly, serving its purpose of being seen. 

"Do you remember this?" Harry asked, looking at her face for any recognition.

"I found it in there a while ago - first day you arrived here," Veela told him. "That's all I remember about it. It looks expensive, I was wondering where I got it."

Nodding along, Harry carefully positioned the bracelet on the palm of his hand. "It was a present," He said. "Mine. I gave it to you."

Veela didn't say anything for a moment but just stared at the gem shining in the centre.

"It wasn't a special occasion or anything - I just wanted to get you something, after the summer," Harry continued to explain, almost wanting to close his eyes so he could re-live the moment he gave it to her. "Do you remember Cedric Diggory?"

Veela shook her head, silently listening to Harry's story.

"He - er - died," Harry stumbled over his words, "but he had a sister who works in this shop in Diagon Alley. She helped me pick out the bracelet. She knows a lot about gemstones so I told her a little about you and she showed me this bracelet."

Harry showed Veela the bracelet again so she could watch the gemstone. It was a beautiful blue colour with a washed-out effect. It was light and delicate but still stood out on the bracelet.

"The stone is Angelite," Harry explained. "I don't know much about it but Cedric's sister told me it's a stone for peace and quiet because I told her about how much you like to just read but you get interrupted and distracted a lot which frustrates you." 

Without realising, a smile grew on Harry's face as he remembered all her indignation when he distracted her from her reading or when she sighed against his chest, upset at how easily her mind was swayed from the course she prepared.

"It looks very expensive," Veela said, her voice so soft it was almost just a breath. "Did you pay a lot for it?"

Harry just shrugged. "Nothing I couldn't afford."

Veela stared at it again. Harry could practically see the wires in her brain turning to process all this. 

"Do you want it back now?" She asked, looking genuinely worried about it. "I don't remember any of it so I reckon you'd want -"

Veela .|. H. J. POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now