7: purple

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eavesdropping, learning, but not remembering


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Alastor Moody and Mundungus Fletcher never returned.

Alaster 'Mad-Eye' Moody had been killed by Voldemort himself after Mundungus Disapparated when he came face to face with danger.

The members of the Order of the Phoenix had been quite upset about it for multiple reasons.

Veela was told that Tonks had been Moody's protege at the Auror Office, taking her under his wing since they one because of the great potential he saw in her. She had been torn up the most. Veela could tell no one else was as close to Moody as Tonks had been.

No earlier than two in the morning did people start to take off that night after having several drinks to numb their loss for a while. Veela forced herself to stay in the sitting room, or at least remain downstairs, to learn more about these people and to see if it awoke any more memories. 

It had been a while since she had one and that annoyed her to no end.

Harry tried to stick close to her, trying to find out as much about how she's been during those weeks without him at The Burrow. He had never been that long without her in his entire life for they lived right across from each other and shared the roof of Hogwarts castle. It had been odd to see the closed doors and windows from the house opposite to his window in his bedroom.

Harry learnt that Veela asked people some stuff about him or asked questions that ultimately led back to him but none of the answers was of any familiarity to her. It saddened Harry that he was the only one to bear the joy of their memories now.

As soon as The Burrow awoke again the next day, the Order of the Phoenix wasted little time before they showed up again to discuss this change of events. Most of the Weasleys were still asleep but Veela couldn't find herself to close an eye when Bill had been looking for Moody's body all night.

Bill was very nice to her even though he revealed they hadn't known each other very much. He claimed it was their shared trauma of Madam Pomfrey's over-protectiveness at the hospital wing that formed their friendship. Veela couldn't complain.

Bill and Fleur were patient with her and didn't mind her sitting with them or if she asked them questions about the things that would seem to be obvious for everyone else. And Fleur took the time to show Veela some of the books she had borrowed from the Ravenclaw girl to see if that jump-kicked any memories. 

Veela was too interested in the psychology books to care that she remembered nothing.

It was only the day after that Veela had another memory and she was surprised to find that it took place at The Burrow.

That morning, she went downstairs earlier than the other teenagers in the house to get herself some milk to drink - and maybe some breakfast if her nausea went away soon - but found several members of the Order of the Phoenix gathered together in the sitting room, obviously discussing some of their worries in the war.

Veela really tried not to eavesdrop - she really did! - but when her name fell among the words they spoke. she couldn't help her curiosity to push her chair a little closer to the sitting room so she could nearly see the people sitting on the couches and the chairs.

Veela .|. H. J. POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now