10: what once was ours

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𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬

the bedroom meeting


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"Meet us in Ron's room when everyone's gone to sleep."

The words Harry whispered to her when he had grabbed her elbow before she disappeared into her room just a few minutes before, rang through Veela's head as she walked up the stairs to the attic. To avoid suspicion if any of the other inhabitants of The Burrow woke up and saw her walking through the house, Veela had put on her nightgown but with an extra sweater to keep her warm.

She clung to the tender fabric as a way to soothe her beating heart when she stood in front of the door to Ron's room. Of course, Veela caught the gist of what they probably wanted to discuss in here, but she was still nervous.

The appearance of the Minister of Magic had upset her, though she could not put a finger on the exact reason. Harry was sure they had never met in person so he couldn't explain it much either.

When the Minister had left, the three Gryffindors returned to the dimmed-down party for Harry's birthday and explained how Rufus Scrimgeour had come to give them the items Dumbledore had left them - they had no idea he left them anything in the first place.

The three items were passed around, seeing if anyone could make any sense of them but with no luck. Veela expected Harry, Ron, and Hermione to assume it would be wise to talk things over again, with Veela included since she was going with them on the Horcrux hunt after all.

Before she even raised her hand to knock, the door already creaked open and Harry's head peaked around the corner, eyebrows raising when he saw her. The dim light from inside the room fell in a single beam over her face.

"I thought I heard something," Harry nodded in confirmation as he opened the door as far as it would let him with his camp bed in the way to let Veela in. 

Just like the last time she was there, the room was quite a mess. Though Harry's bed had been somewhat made at that time, the covers were thrown off now and a pile of objects, personal belongings, were scattered over the mattress.

"Hey, Veela," Ron greeted her, not looking up from examining the Deluminator as he called it. 

"Hey," Veela's voice was a lot softer. 

Harry led her over to his bed where he sat down on the floor so the surface of his bed would be at eye level and he took a small moleskin bag with a string that would fit around his neck and opened it, ready to pack it.

"What is all of this?" Veela asked, kneeling on the floor next to him. 

"Some things of mine that I want to keep safe," Harry's hands itched with the need to grab the ripped piece of paper in the middle. "I got this moleskin bag from Hagrid so I can keep these things near me at all times."

He wished he could put Veela in it.

"What's that?" Veela pointed at the shiny surface nearest to her. "Did you break it?"

Harry took the shard from the bed and weighed it in his hand. "Yeah, I - I think I did. It used to be part of a mirror," Harry gulped at the memory of hopelessness. 

Veela's eyebrows frowned. "Why is it so special to you?"

Harry's head snapped in her direction at a speed that made Veela wonder if her tone came out wrong or if she said anything bad.

Veela .|. H. J. POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now