17: snape's blast and promotion

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𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞'𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

remembering fury and comfort


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The month of August passed with a sigh. Grimmauld Place, number 12 was scorching hot when the sun was up in the sky and the only thing that cooled the foursome down was the fanning charm Ron had found in one of the books he decided to read in his spare time. 

Right after the day they made the initial plan, Harry and Hermione set out to Diagon Alley where they successfully stole the last few ingredients they needed for the Polyjuice Potion to last the longest it could, as well as some other ingredients for potions Hermione thought they might need later. In the meantime, Ron and Veela spent the entire afternoon mapping out everything they knew about the Ministry and Umbridge until they found a measly, tiny way in for them. All it required were daily stakeouts in front of the Ministry.

And that is what they did. At first, the three didn't think it'd be a good idea to send Veela there as well, considering she knew close to nothing about the Ministry from her own experience - that she could remember, that is. After Veela pointed out some rightful flaws in the plan and the information the other three required, they realised it might be best to send someone with a clear look. She might not overlook information they would that could turn out to be crucial to them.

When Veela wasn't on the stakeout and couldn't think of anything to do to help them and their plan, she read the books Harry said she liked. They were stories about far-off places, wars between kingdoms, and commoners wooing the princess. Veela enjoyed every single one and browsed through them in no time. By August fifteenth, she forced herself to stop reading for a while so she'd have some books left for the rest of their trip.

One book that Veela did not dare to open yet was the one with the beautiful cover that Harry had left on her bedside table in the Hospital Wing. Her favourite. Though she knew she would likely never be the same person again as she was before the Memory Curse; she wasn't ready for the final blow, the final confirmation that she would receive when she realised she maybe didn't love the book like before.

By the end of August, Veela allowed herself to read another book and by the afternoon of September First, she was already on the last chapter. 

She was sitting in the kitchen, across from Ron and Hermione who had been pouring themselves over notes and hand-drawn maps. Veela promised to help them again after she finished those last pages. The happy ending for the two main characters was so near.

From upstairs the three could hear the front door open and close, indicating that Harry must be back again after his stakeout. 

"I've got news and you won't like it!" Harry said when he was halfway down the stairs. 

"Shoes off, if you please, Master Harry, and hands washed before dinner!" Kreacher said, Regulus Black's locket gleaming on his chest. 

Harry quickly pushed his shoes off and then threw the new Daily Prophet on top of Ron and Hermione's notes. Veela's eyes hurried over the very last sentence of the book before slamming it shut, a satisfied grin on her face at the sweet ending, before tilting her head to read the upside-down headline.

"No!" Hermione exclaimed.

Severus Snape confirmed as Hogwarts Headmaster

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