12: i live so i love

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𝐢 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞

would you like to dance?


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Once the long-anticipated 'i do' words were said, the crowd cheered and cried for the wonderful couple in the front who finally officially devoted their lives to each other. 

Despite the limited amount of time Veela spent with them, she still felt incredibly cheerful and emotional. Bill and Fleur were some of the nicest people she knew and they proved that on that day after Bill's werewolf attack and Veela's memory loss. 

Everyone needed their happiness in these dark times.

Once the ceremony was over, everyone stood up and the chair vanished to the corners of the marquee. A beautiful golden floor melted over the ground, working as a dance floor so Bill took Fleur's hand and they danced their first dance as husband and wife.

Veela walked to the back with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, where they sat at a round table. Ginny and Luna joined them as well and they drank and ate and watched the people join the merry couple on the floor of gold.

Since Veela couldn't remember the last time she was at such an event, she was surprised at how much he liked looking at the people at the party. She watched an old man give candy to a little boy, two children jumping and dancing with each other, parents adoringly eyeing their happy children ... Veela wished she could feel that kind of familiarity. 

Eventually, Luna joined the dance floor as well. Veela noticed Ginny staring in the direction Luna left before suddenly turning towards Veela.

"Do you remember the conversation we had a few days before they took your memories?" She bluntly asked. Her jaw was clenched and her posture straight. 

"I -" Veela shook her head for a moment and frowned, trying to conjure anything from those last days. "I don't think so, no."

Ginny abruptly rose from her chair, a look of disappointment washing over her face. Veela's heart clenched uncomfortably but before she could ask Ginny what they spoke about, the youngest redhead already left to follow Luna on the dancefloor where she charmed a smile to her face again as if it never happened.

Veela looked down awkwardly. She let Ginny down. And no matter how much she exercised her mind, she couldn't remember any memory of Ginny before her memory loss. 

Two people took the seats Ginny and Luna previously occupied and Veela only noticed it were Alex and Viktor when she heard Ron's annoyed grunt. 

When Veela looked sideways, she noticed Ron bouncing his leg up and down and fidgeting with his fingers as if he was building up courage for something. Harry seemed rather bored but tense, probably wondering if anyone recognised him - if the enchantment decided not to work on certain people like it didn't work on Veela. 

The Krum brothers hadn't said anything with but just when the eldest was leaning forward towards Hermione, about to talk to her, Ron jumped up.

"Come dance with me, Hermione?" He blurted out, holding out his shaking hand. 

Ron seemed to be just as taken back as Hermione was and he was so nervous that he couldn't even smile when Hermione took his hand and followed him to the dance floor. His ears were red and his face was hot. Veela saw Harry from the corners of her eyes, watching them with a broad smile.

Veela .|. H. J. POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now