Lost Fanfiction

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Old- made in 2020-I lost interest about this fanfiction! Sorry!

This story is all about Nicole, who is a hard-working mother, a lovely wife, and lastly her rage. Well, her rage isn't that bad, unless there is something that is a disaster going to happen. Because it started with a new employee at the rainbow factory and started to bully her and trying to make her mad. Richard will always be there for her if she needs help, unfortunately, she wouldn't show it and continue to struggle with the event that is happening between her and Bill.

TAWOG belongs to (c) Cartoon Network


Nicole was savagely chasing them, in the wilderness, she doesn't know what's happening and all she saw was a blur of herself going to attack her family. She doesn't know why until her eyes became purple and attack them. So, she was chasing them-

Gumball pop up and said, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, this is gone too far let's go back where the day that Nicole started to have the outburst issue."

~~~~~~~~~~~~Rewind Time~~~~~~~~~~~

A bright Saturday morning, the normal morning, the kids sat on the couch watching tv and Richard was making some snacks for himself. Nicole was now on the way to work, but it was different because there will be a lot of paperwork to fulfill until it completely finished and she'll get off. She got out of her vehicle and getting her path. She got to her Workspace, getting ready to do some paperwork until Mr.Yoshida interrupts.

"Nicole, I would like you to meet our new co-worker"

"Nice to meet you, Nicole, my name is Bill." Said Bill, giving his hand out for a handshake.

Nicole turns around and accepts the handshake. Bill was a tall anthropomorphic dog, his whole body and his face is gray, his eyes are dull blue and his voice is very deep British accent, he's wearing a work suit for now.

"Well, now Nicole, you are going to lead him and introduce the jobs in this factory and you have more expended time working on that stack of documents must be finished." Mr.Yoshida comment, leaving his two co-workers back to work.

Bill asked, "So...where are you leading me?."

"Oh, come and follow me," Nicole answered leading to many offices where people are working, to Rainbow factory, to the meeting room, and showing him several rooms in the factory. When they walking around, Bill asked.

"Hey Nicole, I got a question, have you been feeling like more stressed or furious about your job?"

Nicole was shocked to hear this, this was her first time that anyone asked about herself.

"Well... I have before, this job is crazy, I mean our boss is only giving me little money since I'm a hard-worker. I do have a family that I need to put food on the table to keep us alive. Yes, I deal with a lot of stress since I got the job and having kids, well I started to have a furious with my kids and my husband most of the time."

Bill seems so interested in her, yet, he's keeping something very secret and kept on the acting and asked, "Oh, I would like to hear about your problem with your family?"

"Well, I got 2 sons who are always a troublemaker and deal me a lot of stress, my daughter is always there for me and keep them in their hand. My husband doesn't take a lot of responsibility and not good parenting, but I'm sure he's trying to take things seriously."

"Wow, it seems like your family gives you a lot of stress and making you angry I'm assuming."

Nicole takes a back and gets angry, "Listen here young man, I don't want to get near you, talking about my life thinking I'm a monster to them, but please don't talk to me like that!"

"Whoa, you don't fully understand what I was explaining, but getting angry over what I said? Interesting."

Nicole had no clue what is he planning on, she decided to give up and not to talk about it. She still leading with Bill who was behind her until they came back where they meet each other.

"Well, I got to go back to work and tell me if you need anything." Nicole lead him to his workspace and left, leaving Bill to set his things up. 

After he setting up his stuff around his workspace, Bill sat down and look around his space, he move closer to the desk and open up his treasure full pics of his wife. He love his wife so much that the raging monster kill her and it wasn't on accident, she did it on purpose. After the researching about the incident, he finally found Nicole who kill her and he's planning to seek a revenge on her, to her suffering, make her family to become fear of her, and probably could take and kill her. 

Bill chuckled, thinking about the revenge on Nicole, he close the chest and put it in his hiding spot where it was at the bottom of the drawer and lock it, keeping his keys to his key chain. His shift is finally over, he was thinking if he going straight to home but it's not today, he going to visit his wife. 

He pushed the chair and politically waved every co-workers except Nicole, he exit the factory then get in his car. he drove for 10 minutes until he reached his destination. He open the door and takes a deep breath, he walk into the graveyard, many of dead bodies was buried and rest while the soul was free. He look around, finding her name on the gravestone and he found it, he went over it and kneel down as he trace his paws on his wife's name. 

It labeled, "Bella Hunter, Born in 1983 and Died on 2015." 

He lost her 5 years ago, he couldn't help himself so he went to mental therapy to help him to stop coping and moved on, after that he when to investigate about the furious monster who kill her. He found a few evidence about the monster, the shirt pieces, a few blue fur, and a bloody paws prints, he spend 4 years to discover the DNA. He was about to give up but until he slammed his paw on the keyboard in frustration, the computer beeped and printing out the result. He took the paper out and finally found the monster, showing his that it's a woman and she's a feline, he doesn't understand why would she kill her, but it probably someone who pushed her limit,  hurt her family and people too. After finding the information about Nicole, he finally wanted to seek a revenge on her, on that night he planned every ways, finding some time...

//Ended- Scrapped Fanfiction//

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