Unlikely Choice: Scrapped Ending

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He couldn't believe it, he love both of them (mom and AU mom) so much, he beg Anais to take the machine with him and travel back.

Anais accepted, but she told him that he must be careful with with her machine. He understood, so he travel back to the very strange, unlikely future, no matter what he stopping him...

15 years later

On a Saturday morning, a little 8 years old green cat-like fairy whose name is Gumdrop woke up early, went downstairs sneakily without waking his parent up.

Gumdrop went to the basement and found a huge time machine that made by his aunt Anais. He was a very curious, his father told him about the strange future that he never visited before. Curiously, he went up to the machine, as he almost touch the button, his father barged in.

"Son!? What are you doing?" Said the tall blue cat, with man-like voice.

Gumdrop frozed then blurted, "I was observing-"

Gumball interrupts him, "You should have ask me, but it's not the right time yet."

"You said that all the time dad, when it will come?"

"Soon Gummy, I know she haven't called anything yet, I dont know what's up with her."

Gumdrop signed,"Aww, I have to wait..."

Gumball felt bad, but he knew that Gumdrop is upset and desperately wants to see the future.

Gumball take Gumdrop and take him upstairs, he set him down and see his wife cooking.

"Hey Penny, how are you?" Gumball approached Penny behind, put his arm around her waist and kiss her cheek.

Penny giggled, "Just woke up, Saturday are really the best day to rest."

"Yeah I know that, how about me and you go-"

"Please stop giving the lovely dovely, it disgusting." Said the shell-cat like creature, who walk in tired.

"Britte, that's not nice to say that!" Gumball argued, teasing his daughter.

Brittle laughed,"I was just playing, but seriously though I'm 4."

Gumball whispered,"She really got your trait..." Penny shook her head, saying its true.

Brittle sat next to her brother Gumdrop,"Wheres the breakfast?"

(Scrapped, lost interest of this story) Sorry, TAWOG reader! TAWOG forever! 😔✨❤

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