Unlikely Choice 3

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Gumball disappeared with his time watch and sent him to the future as a cliffhanger.


Gumball can only see was blackness, but it wasn't any black so he must've been in a dreamscape if this was all was a dream. Something hit him about the event from last night that sent him to the future, finally he awake and feeling drowsy since its Monday. He soon gets up and looks around, two brick stacked steel walls are in between him so he must be in the alleyway. He knew he was in the future but he isn't sure, Gumball finally walks out and gasp.

"Whoa, this is the future...That's was AMAZING!" He looks around and up, he could see a tall building that is made more futuristic technology, flying scooters, cars, and nice robots. He never knew how people created like this since he knew that Elmore is a weird population.

He continued to walk around in a big city, few moments of walking around he started feeling hungry indicating he hasn't eaten breakfast yet. So he tried to find the cheapest restaurant but no luck since he's in a big city with expensive technology and good food. He still walking feeling so hungry that his stomach is eating him out, he finally found a poster that shows a cheap breakfast sandwich. He decided to get in and amazed that he saw robot arms and hand doing their job. Larry should be here, but this is the future so he probably dead and every job is fricking out, Gumball sure that the company offered a hand to help them to keep their job alive.

A computer tech finally snapped Gumball taking out his deep thought, "Hello Sir, how can I help your order?"

Gumball looked up, trying to find his order, what he saw was that was the food looks so delicious and better than in the past, so he finally ordered the cheapest sandwich.

"That will be $1.99, sir."

"Okay!" He reached his wallet and pay his sandwich, he was about to find a place for him to sit, his food finished and called his number.

Gumball was amazed at how these robot arms finished his order in seconds, he knew that no one can beat Larry cause he has every job in Elmore. He shook his head but still amazed, took his order, and find a table that only fit for 2 and enjoy his company.


Present Day-

"KIDS WAKE UP! GUMBALL IS MISSING!" Said Richard as he opens up their bedroom door, he looks so scared mixed worried.

Darwin started to get worried, "What? He can't be missing, he was here since last night!" He up from his fishbowl and put on his shoes then help his mom and dad looking for him.

"Gumball never leaves like this and where's Anais?" Nicole spoke from the kitchen, feeling guilty about the event from last night.

"I'm right here," Anais replied who was standing behind Darwin. Then she walks downstairs to the basement to find him or starting to work on his science project and she screams.

"What going on!?" "Why did you scream?!" "What happened?!" They all came downstairs hearing Anais' scream and spoke at the same time.

"Gumball! He used my TIME MACHINE!" Anais replied back, so scared if her mother would something.

"WHAT?!" three of them replied. Not knowing what to say next, Darwin spoke.

"Why did he used your project? You should've locked the basement door to prevent that so that wouldn't have happened."

"I don't know, but I think we turn down on him and send himself to the future when I told him NO!" Anais got angry and kicked the toolbox across the room.

"Anais, I'm pretty sure it's all my fault." Said Nicole, stepping forward feeling heaving on her shoulder and rubbing her arm vertically.

"Why do you think it's your fault that Gumball runs away in my time machine?"

"I have pushed him a little too hard on him, I grounded him until he brings his grade up."

Anais feels her pain, "Look, mom, it's alright but I think he needs some time for himself. Well, I think I gonna fail this project if he doesn't come back before at the end of the month."

"When is your project due?" Darwin asked, rubbing his mother on her back comfortably.

"March 31st, Well we gonna wait and let see if he come back." She explained and packing her stuff while the Watterson standing there confused."What?"

"So, you are not gonna save him aren't you?" Darwin crossed his arm.

"Of course I will, if he doesn't come back, we're gonna have a serious problem."

"Why a serious problem?" Richard asked.

"The Machine will explode and Gumball will be stuck in the future forever." She explains further, packing up her stuff and went upstairs to solve the problem.

"Looks like we'll be waiting," Darwin told his parent sheepishly, knowing that his parent will be upset and doesn't wanna wait longer.

They have approximately 2 weeks left to wait for Anais to fit the problem and Gumball to come back, maybe the Watterson will try to handle themselves without Gumball.



Gumball already had eaten his breakfast and lunch, now he is walking on the sidewalk with many robotics fusion and normal weird people. He saw more out there, home, many houses that exactly like in the past. He questioned himself why he didn't they changed it to be more futuristic stuff. He ignores his thought and walks until he found his home, his house was more dull blue color and a bit dirtier. The lawn was green but it has dead weeds and yellow grass, the mailbox is the same but bent a bit backward.

Gumball was nervous, he didn't know if Watterson is still living there or his family. So he took a step forward, each by each until on the front door and click the doorbell. He feels that he started to shake and getting nervous, finally the door open and saw him.

"AHH! Get off of my lawn!" The old man yelled at him, pushing Gumball off the porch running away from him and he hides the trashcan, hearing their conversation. "That's crazy, I can't believe that the Queen sends that robotic of herself to hurt me! I didn't do anything!" It seems like he was talking to his wife, finally closing the door left Gumball baffled, still hiding in the trashcan.

"What does he mean Queen? There's a person ruling this place? Does she send the duplicate of herself to capture people and hurt them? Well, that was so weird...alright! Focus, looks like the sun going down and I haven't eaten dinner." He thought it then he finally gets up and goes back to Elmore city to eat his dinner.

After dinner at the same cheap restaurant, he doesn't have his home or the hotel because it's expensive to sleep for one day, he goes back where he came from. He walked up in between 2 same brick wall and find himself a comfortable place for him to sleep on. He grabs the clean box that was behind the trashcan and grabs, not so wet newspaper, and covers him up, shifting himself, trying to be comfortable and drift off in the moonlight.

Above him, where he was above, hiding on the roof, a similar-looking robot cat who looks like Gumball, but older who capture everything on the camera. It wasn't normal, it was robotic of the Queen, hiding at the top of the roof, looking down the similarity looking young blue cat. She decided to leave and let him rest and capture him tomorrow.

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