Instinct: 3

47 3 0

What's happening? I can feel it, it gonna happen again...

Should I tell them?


Gumball woke up, shocked and scared, he must've got a terrible nightmare about eating one of the birds and mice. He looks at his surrounding, it was dark, so it must be night time. He checked the clock labeling, "10:37 pm", he just sleeps for 12 hours, he gets up from the bed and carefully open the door, not making any sound than closed the door.

He tiptoes down the stairs and went to the kitchen, finding some food to eat. He open the fridge and search for any good food, he can feel that his instinct is rising again but he shook his head and kept searching. He finally found 2 fresh salmon, he took out and close the fridge. His eyes started to change, as he blinks while holding a salmon, his eyes turn yellow with slit, and his claws starting to get bigger. He dropped the packages on the floor and he was all four, growling, snatching, and tearing up the package, smelling the fresh smell from the fish. He takes a bite and eating like a feral cat.

After he finished, he licks his lips and then he went back to normal. Gumball looks down and sighed, he knows his instinct is back again, so he cleans up the packages and threw away. He takes the washcloth from the sink and cleans up the blood from the salmon on the floor. When he was finished, he went back to his room and lay down in his bed.

Maybe his instinct is getting too far, he should ask them if they experienced this before. Not Darwin because he's a fish, fish doesn't have instinct. Anais and Dad? Well, they both rabbits but he doesn't know if they have instinct before, he never see them act like a rabbit. Mom? Definitely. She's a cat, just like him, she may experience this before, and never told him about it? If she never told him because he was young? Scary? Dangerous?

Maybe more than dangerous, something like the limited, he remembers what happened on the shopping incident back from 3 years ago. Maybe that, she was scary, running all fours, roaring, and harming people by using her impossible powers.

Gumball stop thinking, he looks at the time that passes 30 minutes, he must've in deep thought so he went back to sleep to enjoy his dream.


"GUMBALL!" The anger of the voice woke him up, he gets off the bed and went downstairs following the voice.

"UGH, what's going on here?" He rubbed his eyes and saw his father holding up a washcloth with few traces of blood on it. He definitely in trouble and forgot to wash it.

"Did you do this?" Richard asked him, pointing the washcloth that he's holding.

", why would I?" Gumball replied,

"Because this happens in the morning, when I smell this it comes from fish? IS DARWIN BLEEDING?!" Richard rushed out, finding Darwin as Gumball follow him. Gumball chuckles nervously at his craziness as Richard knocking the door rapidly.

"Can you stop knocking the DOOR?!" Darwin screamed from the other door then he opens up and saw Richard with a panic look on his face.

Before Gumball could speak, Richard immediately checking around Darwin's body to see any cuts or bruises. Darwin was dumbfounded at him and shot a glare to Gumball as Richard went behind his head to check more.

"Did you do something to me?"

Gumball sighed, "No I didn't."

Richard popped up behind Darwin, "He's good, but I swear that blood smell like fish."

"Did someone ate fish that wasn't supposed to eat?" Darwin told Richard, knowing that Gumball is getting guilty but he didn't show it.

"Well, your mother told me to buy 2 salmon for her and no one can't touch her food."

"I understand Mr. Dad, come on Gumball, let's go and watch some funny videos!" Darwin grabs Gumball's paw and takes him to their room, he slams the door and turns around to see Gumball. They gonna have a serious talk, Darwin knew this and read him like a book, they are friends, best friends for a long time. Then Darwin took a deep breath and speak.

"What happened?"

"Umm...what you mean what happened?" Gumball spoke back, showing his fake innocent to him.

"I know what happened, you ate Mrs. Mom's favorite food, right?"

"Alright fine, Please don't tell them or everybody!"

"Why not Gumball? Did something happened to you?"

"Well...look, the truth is that I kept acting like a cat." Gumball sighed, letting out his guilty off his shoulder.

Darwin laughed, "Gumball, you're a cat, that's the reason why you act like it."

"Umm...dude, it's not that, I acted more like a feral cat."

Darwin stops laughing, he couldn't believe what he just said, "Feral cat? Like you mean-"

"Yes Darwin, I ate a bird, Mom's salmon, and acting like a mad cat when I started the water." Gumball cut him off.

"Wait, since when you ate a bird?" Darwin held up his hand to his chin and looking at him suspiciously.

"Fine, since yesterday, I have been avoided to eat breakfast without you."

"I knew it! There something wrong with you and you gonna keep the lie to them?" Darwin told him, he saw Gumball's face is getting shame. He walks to him and pets him on his head.

"Dude?" Gumball trying to speak but he only comes up with a purr.

"Gumball, I understand, I think you need to talk to them about it and I'll be here for you."

"Awww, thank you- *purr*"

"No problem, just let it out and we'll talk this later, okay?"

Gumball replied with a purr, they laid next to each other on Gumball's bed as Darwin still petting Gumball.

At dinner Darwin told Gumball to talk Richard and Anais, Anais fully understands, she told him that his instinct is growing if he doesn't control it. Richard told Gumball that he needs to talk to his mother because she experienced this before. After dinner is finished, Gumball went back to his room and sit on the chair that was the front of the computer. He rests his elbow on the desk as his hand is on his face, looking at the computer, he sighs and began to type something that the internet should answer.

He typed, "How to control your instinct?"

As he presses enter, there's one good answer that was underneath the search bar, it reads, "How to control your instinct: if you're younger, wondering about yourself is turning to an animal, it called instinct, instinct is very rare in most animals. You cannot control by yourself when you're younger, but if your instinct is getting stronger the time had come and you must tell your parent who experienced it before..."

Gumball is very unsure, Richard was right, his mother had experienced her instinct before and now she's in full control, not acting like a wild cat, but it only happens if they provoke her.

Gumball closed his eyes and growl, he cancels the web and turn off the computer and lay on the bed. He doesn't know if when the time had come or shown that when his instinct turning strong. But if he can control it, he wouldn't tell her and show proof that everything is fine. Darwin and Anais came into the room, telling him good night and went to bed as Gumball turns over, facing the wall and slowly went to sleep.


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