Unlikely Choice 5

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"So tell me, you travel in a time machine, right?" Nicole asked, trying to process everything that Gumball told her. 

"Yep, I travel here and seeing this place is weird and even you because you're a lot alike mom." 

"Can you not call me that!" Nicole shouted, warning him to not call her "mom", it makes her feel uncomfortable.

"Sorry, it because I have a family...which...umm, from the past." 

"Oh really? What are they look like?" Nicole grab her tea and slip it in her mouth.

"2 rabbit, 2 cats which was me, and a walking fish."

Nicole choked her tea, coughing, " A walking fish?! How he alive and breathing air? This is impossible!"

"I made him to have legs and breathe air because that is what I love him in my heart."

"Pfft, true love? Impossible."

"Actually, it was because I really miss him so much that I have to think that he actually came back for me."

Nicole was confused,"So, you gave him a lung and an legs to make him come back for you?"

"Not the organ, just the heart, me and Darwin have the greatest love for each other."

Nicole couldn't believe what she just heard, she never haven't felt love before. Her parent were strict and make her force into becoming herself into a winner. Becoming like a queen of the Elmore kingdom. Gumball interrupted her.

"Oh! What about you? Don't you have a family? How did you turn out like that?"

"This is going a long day...", Nicole speaks as Gumball lay down, upright, facing her. He seems to get interesting because he never knew why his mom is like this.

Nicole explained throughout her life, she got a very strict parent who love her, but not like they actually love her or care about her appearance. They put her to Elmore High school, she is very concentrated and hardworking, she goes on multiples tournaments, and getting high grades. She never have in love before but she certainly have a crush on someone. She was forced to do the work, she works and fights everyday to beat off Yuki, her frienemy.

Yuki came and took her parent and saying they disappeared, no one knew what happened, they didn't get killed. Nicole was furious, she couldn't believe that her frienemy- which now an her formal enemy who took her parent.

Nicole declared war on Yuki, she wasn't strong enough and yet she only care for her parent. After a successful war is over, Nicole had lost the left parts of her body. She passed out and her parent are worried about her, the doctor told them that robotic part could save her. They agreed and give Nicole everything and deserved to live.

After 5 year of the incident, her parent were kill by Yuki, who wants another War but Nicole denied. Yuki still declaring to her today and kept bully her until she gives in.

Nicole now became evil and heartless person because she took other poor people's live away, she yell many time, scary away many people and she held people to her captive called kingdom.

Nicole never felt anything joyful, happy or in love before. She doesn't care around her surroundings but cares just for her beautiful kingdom. She pay and achieve billions of money to make Elmore more futuristic plus make herself a home and serve her robots as maid.

And that is who she is, no one could ever face to her because you will be buried in the land called "Ground of Dead". Nicole hates that land, literally everyone hates it, this land is where all the beautiful garden that looks like Garden of Eden. No one knew why it was call it, but Nicole knew it, she saw it by her own eye, someone took it. She kept the secret, she never see a garden before, yet she imagined how it looks.

So that is the "Ground of Dead", where people are being beaten and buried when broke the stupid law.

The ends, Gumball give Nicole a shocking face, he couldn't believe any of this. None of this. Nothing compare to his lovely mother. This isn't the future he wanted, that's the future was giving him. That's why Anais prepared to give him another life choice than seeing his future life.

"Nicole...I am speechless." Gumball said, it very strange for Gumball to call her mother's name.

"Well don't be, cause you're my little one from now on." Nicole gushed, squishing his cheek.

Gumball felt scared,"What? I'm your little one? I'm a maid now?!"

Nicole laughed,"Calm down, it was just a joke, but seriously I need you to stay here for further notice."

Gumball look around as Nicole gets up and stretch, it was a long day which is night time. He started to yawn, feeling a bit drowsy, they both ate dinner during the discussions their backstory.

Before Gumball could ask, Nicole spoked, "I know what you're about to say, follow me."

Gumball follow Nicole, walking from the living room to hallways to the right, and yet he found so strange room with variety of things in each rooms. But until at the dead end- a door, Nicole opens up and push Gumball in and closes it without saying anything.

Gumball felt uncomfortable again, the darkness is creepy upon him. He sighed, he got to the bed and open the blanket. He sat on the mattress then lay down, covering himself with a blanket.

He tried to sleep but no use, his brain tagging him for questions. Will he ever go back? What would he do? Will his family miss him? What happens to the machine?

He is completely unsure, he doesn't know how to answer. Seems like he have to wait for 14 days before the machine explode. He have to survive this and must go back to his original choice. He never knew or see this mom before.

That "mom" was completely different, she was the totally opposite of what his mom do. She totally a robot, evil, no husband, and kids. But wait! What about Darwin, he bet that Darwin didn't grow lung and leg for love and friendship for this life choice.

Well, let see how he gonna survive this and his "mom". After that, he finally slept on peaceful, scary night.

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