Unlikely Choice 1

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Anais invented a Time machine for her science fair but something wasn't right for her, at night Gumball sneak to use the time watch for his wrist and accidentally press the time machine to the future. The future where everything have cool robots, gadgets, bigger city, and something wasn't there...his family. This is a different choice that Gumball didn't know before.


Heavily inspired by the episode of TAWOG called "The Choice".


On the regular morning time, Anais was really busy with her science project that she been working all day until it was finished. The alarm woke Gumball up, looking tired, very tired on Monday which was the worst day for him. Darwin wakes up as he was yawning and shut off the alarm sound.

"Ugh, Monday are the worst" Gumball said as he gets up from his bed.

"You always said that every single Monday!" Darwin said when Gumball kept saying that is always making him mad.

"Oh, whatever". Gumball goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth and clean his face.

5 minutes passed by...

Gumball was looking for Anais to tell her to get ready for school. "Anais, where are you?" Then a loud muffled voice came by, Gumball turns around and heard it coming from the basement, he follows it then open the door and saw Anais was struggling to fix the machine.

"What are you making?" Gumball said as he walks toward her.

"A time machine," Anais said as she was trying to find the tool from the toolbox.

Gumball looks at the machine, "Wow, how long you build those?"

Anais sigh and turn around, "Many days, I wish it was over but I cannot fail it! Why are you here?"

"It's time for you to go to school, it seems like you need a break."

"Okay, tell mom I'm coming up there for a minute."

"Okay." When Gumball about to walk away to tell mom, something makes him wanted to ask Anais something.

"Anais, why did you take the time machine for a science project?" Gumball asked.

Anais answer by her annoying brother, "Well, it's because...UGH, NEVERMIND!"

"Jeez, okay, I wish you can tell me later." Gumball backed off as her sister yell.

"GUMBALL AND ANAIS, YOU BETTER GET UP HERE BEFORE THE BUS COMES!" Gumball and Anais jumped as her mother yelled at them from upstairs.

"I'm coming!" Gumball runs off.

Anais put the tools back in the toolbox and get up, "Wait for me! I'm coming too!"

When they got upstairs from the basement, they grab their stuff and leave until the bus arrives.


Gumball can't even stop thinking about the time machine that would send him to the future, seeing himself and Penny together. Then he stops daydreaming about it and continues to get something for him to eat lunch.

When he finished picking out the lunch and pay it to Rocky, he sat on the lunch bench where Anais sit. Anais doesn't want to hear any more of her science stuff, of course, he is stupid and just gonna ignore it.

"Argh, what do you want? More questions about my science project?"

Gumball laugh, "Umm, yes, can you take me to the future? Or in the past?"

Anais sigh and facepalm, "No and No."

"Wait, what? Why not? Can't you just-"

"It's because in the past you will have many different choices and boring things or awesome things that happen in the summer of '83 and if you go to the future then your present stuff like in later will be destroyed," Anais said in irritation and continue to eat her lunch.

"Pfft, whatever the time machine is not that dangerous, I'm still gonna survive through that machine!" Gumball said.

"Gumball, you don't understand, that time machine is really dangerous if you away to the past or the future you'll be gone and disappear for the rest of our life if you don't return. However, you'll be wearing a watch for your wrist, but it only shows you how much time you got left and you cannot control it." Anais explained trying not to make Gumball confused.

"Wow, umm, we-BRRIIIIIING*

"Oh, it time for me to go to the library and study, see you later Gumball!" Anais said while she gets off and take her stuff with her and walk away.

Gumball sits alone and thinks about it if he can use the time machine to show his future? Or in the past? Different choices? These questions left him thinking for the rest of the day until night time.

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