Instinct: 2

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On a regular Saturday morning, the sunlight shines through the bedroom window and hits on Gumball's face. He wakes up and looks at the clock on the nightstand and it shows "10:31" in the morning. He looks at Darwin's fishbowl, he wasn't there so is Anais. He gets up and takes out his clothes then he goes to the bathroom to freshen himself. When he got to the bathroom, he turns on the water suddenly his eyes turn slit and started to hiss at the bathtub aggressively, standing all fours, hissing like an angry cat. A few moments later, Gumball stopped and he noticed that he's on all fours, he had no clue what just happened to him, he walks over and turns on the shower and get in.

15 minutes after he finished the shower and putting on the clothes, he came downstairs getting himself ready to eat breakfast.

"Hello? Anyone home? Well, I guess it just me for today." Gumball yelled as he walked to the kitchen.

He opened up the refrigerator and there are only butter and few cans of food. His stomach growl as he closes the fridge, he has a weird feeling, his eyes turn slit and then he started to walk all fours, sniffing around for meat. He opened up the backyard door and saw few birds looking for worms. Gumball stopped and get down all fours, slowly and steadily approaching the bird as he licks his lips and reacted his claws. Gumball jumped, successfully catch the bird, he clawed and devoured the bird.

A few moments later after he gobbles up the bird, he licks his lip, wiping away the blood. Gumball returned normal, he had no idea why he's outside, he looks around his surroundings and looks down at the dead bird.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL WHAT?" Gumball yell and he was disgust on what he saw blood, then he saw the blood on his hand, over the wrist, and on his claw. He's freaking out, he didn't know what happened, he picks up the dead bird and put in the trashcan beside the house. He doesn't want his family to find out, thankfully the back door still open, Gumball rush in as his arm stretched out.

He rushes up the stair, went into the bathroom, and slammed shut by his foot. He turns on the water and quickly rinses it hard to get the blood off on his fur. He opens up the mirror and scramble on every bottle of soap, he grabbed a hand soap and pump to his paws 3 times, rinsing out quickly.

More than 20 seconds, Gumball was clean but he must clean the evidence. He went downstairs and get the cleaning staff that was under the sink, he sprays on every trail with blood from the kitchen to the bathroom.

The doorbell rang, he quickly went back to the kitchen, putting the cleaning supplies back where it belongs, he walks to the front door and notices his siblings and his father carrying many bags of groceries.

"Good morning, buddy!" Darwin chimed in, he walks past him, going to the kitchen as Anais and Richard follow along.

"Uh- Ahem, Good morning guys," Gumball replied not trying to sound a bit of nervousness.

As Darwin helping them putting away the foods, "Why are you nervous?"

"What? Psst, no I'm not nervous, Why would I be nervous? I'm completely fine!"

"Oh okay, Are you sure?" He asked again and Gumball nodded.

"Okay, ooh! Look what Mr. Dad bought us, a breakfast from Joyful Burger!" Darwin takes out 2 fast food bags, he walks past him and set it on the dining table. Gumball wasn't hungry, he should be hungry but he actually ate a bird, an alive bird.

"Dude, Are you gonna come and eat with us?" Darwin said as he took out his breakfast sandwich, Anais and Richard walk past Gumball who was standing there, not responding.

"Well, I'm not hungry, I already ate something in the fridge," Gumball told him, trying to make an excuse that what the best he can come up with.

Before Darwin replied, Anais, answered, "There's nothing in the fridge, only butter and few cans of food that are past the due date."

"Umm, Yeah, as I said, I already ate, and if you guys need me just call out me." He ran upstairs, went into his room, and close his door. He can't tell them, never Will, he will never tell everyone. What happened to him and why is he acting like a cat when it comes near water and birds?

If he tells them what happened, then he sure that his family will give him the advice to see if it is helpful. What if it's not? Well, he can look up the internet because, classic Gumball, the Internet is always the answer.

Gumball look at the clock, it's nearing eleven in the morning, so he chooses to take a nap a little more. He turned himself away from the sun and within of few minutes, he finally sleeps.

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