Unlikely Choice 4

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The sun rays hit Gumball, slowing awake from his slumber and getting up as he checks his watch. It wasn't a regular watch, he remembered that he used a time machine watch which shows how much time he has left.

"12 days?!" He screamed, he was freaking out, he doesn't know if he gonna come back home alive or he gonna die here by the countdown.

He clicked his watch, he needs to know what year he's on because this is the future of many cool gadgets, robots, and Evil queen that he heard. His watch finally reveals the date of today, labeling "3/18/31".

Gumball yell again, "2031?!" He was about to say something but a loud robotic noise interrupt him, making him look up and saw many cool food-robotics cops.

One cop step forward as Gumball step back, not wanting to cause trouble or get hit, the cop tells him in his demanding robot voice, "Gumball Tristopher Watterson, our Queen of Elmore have demand you to come to see her and-"

Next thing Gumball quickly knew, he slides his body under Donut Sheriff and runs where his leg can take. "Everybody, move out of my way!" The cops are chasing him behind, lucky Gumball was small enough to hide though the crowd of robots who were celebrating something stupid.

The siren was heard and many cars beeping at the crowd, moving out of their way, Gumball finally rushes out the crowd, "Whew that was close."

Unfortunately, that was not close as he turns around, he saw all 4 French-fries-robot cops who got out the crowd getting themselves to defend. When one French-fries cop takes a step, ready to tase him, Gumball quickly reacts and runs as fast as he can, dodging every obstacle. The cops follow suit, chasing him since he going too far and couldn't catch him, they all got in their cop car and calling for backup.

Gumball didn't know how far he is away from the robotic-food cops, but he kept running to where his leg would take him. As he still running to the park, he got an idea, he went up to the tree which was the tallest tree in the park. He retracts his claws and climbs up the tree along with the kids who are currently playing, they scream when they saw a blue cat climbing up the tree. Many kids got down from the tree and then the cops came to the park and saw the kids running away from the tallest tree.

"He might be up there!" One French-fries cop point at the tree.

The donut cop arrives, taking out his megaphone, "We command you to climb down slowly and put your hands up!"

Gumball was scared, tightly and gripping himself on the tree branch, he doesn't know why the cops are chasing him and wanted to get him arrested. He doesn't know why he didn't break any laws or Queen's orders. But he decided to stay up there and tell them what's happening.

"Not until you tell me what's going on! I won't get down until you tell me!" He yelled, acting confidently to them.

"I am going to count to 3 if you don't get down!" When he started to count, a loud static sound ringing on Donut cop's ear, signaling to call her.

He turns around and puts his hand to the earpiece and gets a request from the Queen, "I want him alive, please I command you and the rest of the cops not to injured him understand?"

He was scared to reply, "DO U UNDERSTAND?!" She screeched that send him ringing in his eardrums.

"Y-yes m-ma'-a-m." He shutters, scared for him, and the other cops, so he finally turns around and talks to the blue kitten in a calming voice.

"Alright, you can get down and we will arrest you."

"DON'T ARREST HIM! I WANT HIM IN MY PLACE!" He forgot that she was there, so he quickly replied and turn off and facing the tree where Gumball is hiding.

"Our Queen commands us to not arrest you, you can get down and come with us to meet our Queen."

Gumball thinks for a moment but finally gave up and climb down by using his claws. As he land, Sheriff Donut comes up to him, leading him to the cop's car and finally drove away. Gumball saw a few crowds, Looking like "why is this child arrest", "that child did a stupid law", and many questions. The cops drove until they arrived at the tallest palace that Gumball never see in his life.

When the cops parked, Sheriff Donut got out of his car and open up the door, letting Gumball out. He was so nervous to meet the Queen, many questions are roaming around his mind of what she gonna do to him. Some of the cops went behind Gumball and the Sheriff is in front of him. Finally entering the palace, Gumball's eyes widened and gasped, this palace is highly expensive and beautiful. The lobby was really huge that fit a waiting place for people to wait, the cops and Gumball come to meet the receptionist.

"How can I help-" the receptionist look away from the computer and saw Gumball and gasped then she takes her phone and call the Queen.

A few seconds later, the receptionist finally put the phone back and said, "Well, she demands us to take him to the 5th floor where our Queen is."

Sheriff Donut replied and take him to the elevator, when the door closed, the Sheriff press the 5th button then the elevator goes up. Gumball doesn't want things between the Sheriff and the other cops awkward. The elevator stopped and opened bringing them to the 5th floor of the building, the light was dim because the blinds blocked the sunlight. The Sheriff pushes Gumball lightly leading him where he should walk, then a light was on showing a big silver-gray desk. The Sheriff lead Gumball and told him to sit down and wait, the Sheriff walked away but not too far and stopped.

Gumball waited, he was so worried and started to feel that he regrets not listening to Anais but he gotta survive the future if he can. Gumball shake his head, and the sound of the foot walking, she was getting closer so Gumball could see her. Then the sound of the foot stopped, Gumball was nervous and try to take a closer look in the dark. Then the Queen's eyes opened, Gumball gasped and saw that she have a normal eye on the right and a scary-looking robotic eye on the left. So the Queen must be a half person and a half Cyborg and she speaks.

"Well, what do we have here?" The voice that Gumball knew was sound so similar, so he replied.

"I...um, who are you?"

"A Queen, you are more alike to me which means that created you."

"Whoa, you think I'm a robot like you to hurt people?"

"Yes, but you're different and younger than me."

"I'm...it's A really long story..."

"Well, then, and what's that thing on your wrist? A watch?"

Gumball looked and held his wrist up so the Queen can see it, "Yeah, it's a watch..."

"Sheriff, I want you to get out and patrol my city please so I can talk to him alone."

"Yes ma'am" the Sheriff replied and left.

The Queen looked back to Gumball, "So I noticed that that's not a normal watch."

Gumball was stunned, how does she know, maybe she scanned with her scary left eye. So he goes with truth, "Yes, it's not normal like I said it's really a long story."

The Queen understood and clapped her hand, Gumball doesn't question it, suddenly the binds open up revealing a lot of sunlight on his face as he squinted his eyes. He really wanted to see the Queen but she was in a cloak, hiding her face.

The Queen turns around away from Gumball, she took off the hood and taking the cloak off, she's not naked she was wearing white clothes and a cape with an unknown symbol. Then the Queen finally turns around to face Gumball and he gasped on what he couldn't believe what he saw.

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