Instinct: 4

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Monday finally here, he doesn't want to talk to anyone even Penny, he doesn't want them to get worried about him. After he ate breakfast, he went to catch up with his sibling who already on the bus. Nicole and Richard watch them, as the bus drove away Richard needs to talk about Gumball.

"Umm...hey honey?"

"Yes, Richard?"

Richard inhaled and exhaled, "There something going on with Gumball..."

Nicole looks confused and gets concerned, "What going on with him?"

"Well, he's acting nonchalantly but I know he did something like you did before."

"Something that I did before...?"

"Follow me."

Richard leads Nicole to the kitchen then he pulls out a bloody washcloth and gives it to Nicole.

"Is's blood?" Nicole said right after she sniffs the washcloth.

"Yes Nicole, maybe he ate it and hid it from us."

"Maybe he doesn't want to get in trouble but I felt him."

"Are you alright?"

Nicole shook her head up and down, holding a bloody washcloth remembering her past, he did the same way as she did before.

Richard interrupted her thoughts, "Maybe it's up to you to talk to him, I think he will understand."

Nicole chuckles, "Thanks, how did you get so smart and wise?"

Richard laughed, "Nah, I think it up to the author's idea for this."

Nicole look around, thinking he's crazy, "Who's author are you talking about?"

Richard laughed so hard, "Who I'm kidding, well I'm gonna go to Joyful Burger and get 10 cheeseburgers and 10 fries too."

Nicole gets angry," Richard! That's a waste of our money! I will order for you, just go and drive safe Richard."

"Aww, see you then and talk to him." He closed the front door, leaving Nicole alone, she is off from work.

She couldn't understand why Gumball haven't talked to her about this. That's why he's avoiding the topic of the fish in the fridge.

"Well, I'm going to talk to him tonight, I hope he doesn't change anything," Nicole muttered, she went to the kitchen and clean the washcloth.

She rises it off, checking if there's any blood on it, but luckily there's nothing. She's a strong person who can wipe out so good.

Nicole walk to her bedroom and sat on the computer to entertain herself or leftover work from work for the rest of the day.


The sound of the front door opens, waking up Nicole. She did take a long catnap, it helps her to relax. Nicole gets up as she heard someone knocking on the door then she opens it and sees Darwin there.

"Hey sweetie, how's school?" Nicole spoke as she went to the kitchen and starting to prepare dinner.

"It's going well, but Gumball not," Darwin answered as he went to the table beside the kitchen and do his homework.

"Is Gumball okay? What did he do this time?" Nicole asked worriedly and feeling concerned.

"Don't worry Mrs. Mom, Gumball didn't do anything but he hasn't spoken or do anything at all, for an entire day."

"Oh my- I better talk to him because I always knew there's something wrong."

"Like what?"

"Did anyone bullied him? Who? Any Reason?"

"Mom, no one did anything to him, everyone was concerned and worried over him that "normal" Gumball was gone!"

"Poor Gumball, I better talk to him. If Richard comes back, please tell him to make us dinner alright?" Nicole told Darwin as she leaves the oven on with lasagna for dinner then go upstairs to the boy's room.

"Don't worry Mrs. Mom! I will!" Darwin chirped as he still doing his homework.

Nicole giggled she goes upstairs to the boys' room and knocked. No reply, she opens up and sees Gumball laying down on the bed.

"Sweetie? Are you alright?" Nicole asked worriedly.

Gumball didn't respond but he felt a fade echo like 'Don't talk'.

Nicole walk over and sat on his bed, pulling his blanket. Then Gumball pulls back in response.

"Look, I know something is going on with you, please I just need an explanation why you ate a lot of fish? Instinct?" Nicole told him, she always feels concerned and his son. Yet she knew that his son may inherit her abilities to his.

"I don't want to talk," Gumball growled.

"Then it's instinct," Nicole answered for him as Gumball shot up from his bed.

"No, it's not my instinct!" Gumball lied, but his mother knew him better.

"Sweetie, don't lie to me, I did exactly like this while at your age. Trust me it got worst when there's no key to communication."

Gumball sighed and pleaded, "But please don't tell anyone even Darwin."

Nicole would but that would hurt his feeling, "Fine I swore on my heart on you that I won't tell anyone."

"Thanks...yeah, you're right it's my instincts. I kept getting my voice from my head and I'm getting weird like I'm licking myself and eating like a feral cat. I'm freaking out, I don't want anyone to come and get near me as if I was dangerous to them." Gumball sobbed as he hugs Nicole tighter.

She hugged him back, "Sweetie, don't let others think about you. I have that before, the same voice which means when instinct started now. Also, it's natural for other furry to do that too, everyone got their instinct, an instinct. There's nothing to be afraid of, you can always talk to me since I'm a cat too."

Gumball looks at her, he has a hopeful look on his face.

"Really Mom?"

"Yes sweetie, now you can have a peaceful nap. I will let you know when dinner is ready." Nicole said as she kisses Gumball's forehead. She walks out then close the door.

Gumball still thinking, the voice doesn't go away as it saying 'why did you talk to her' repeatedly until it stops like 10th times. He is scared and next time, he will not going to talk anyone even his mother.

He took a deep breath then took a nap, waiting for dinner.

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