Instinct: 6

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"Do you really wanted to know the truth!?" He roared, causing her to flinch.

"Yes I do, you're acting weird and I suspect something isn't right." She snapped back.

"Fine! But please don't tell this to anyone!" He growled, making her to scoot back away from him.

"Just tell me!" She replied, choking up.

"It's my instinct!" He shouted then he realized that he broke a promise. His instinct is growing outside, she just stood there and watch him.

He grow some his teeth, his claws is getting longer, his fur is reshaping to blue to duller blue. His eyes is changing to yellow as Gumball yell, "Please run!"

"No, I will never leave you!" She yelled as he stand all fours and growls at her. He jumped and Then-

He jumped from his bed, realizing it's just a dream. But he's so scared and who's that girl in his dream?

He couldn't see the shadow, it was dark and invisible around his vision when dreaming something reality. He huddled himself up to find some comfort.

His heart was beating rapidly, he looked at himself and see his claws are growing. He gasped softly, then he quickly got up and wentg to the bathroom fast.

It's getting worse, why should Gumball tell him now? No! He can't do that!


No, it's not happening. Hunger...

Of course, he's hungry. His instinct kicked him for hunger at 3 in the morning. He groaned as he went downstair and open the back door.

Gumball first spoke, "Alright, you can control me now!"

"Good..." the voice faded.

Gumball just stood there for a while, confused about the voice but didn't do anything yet.

"Um, I said you're free to control me." He sighed.

"Oh right." The voice replied.

The instinct got Gumball in control as he violently shaking his head. His body started twitching, his teeth grew sharper, claws are longer and stronger, also his fur became fluffier.

Gumball's eyes started become yellow as he meowed. He gets down on all fours and growls. He sniffed for food then he jumped over the fence to chase his bloody delicious desserts.

Nicole was awake by the sound, she was standing behind the window and she couldn't believe her eyes.

She was right, something is wrong. It's all right there, his instinct.

She snapped her thoughts as she snatched the cup and filled with water. Nicole drank it all and wipe her eyes.

She must follow him, yes follow him.

She grab the keys and got in the car. She quickly drove and she knew where Gumball is. She saw him, running all fours so fast, heading to the deep forest. She parked her car and got out to follow him.

Since he is faster, Nicole decides to gets all fours and chase him.

Until Gumball stops, making Nicole stops herself an hides to see what he doing next.


This is end (I had lost interest of this story because it does not fit the plot, I cant think what happen next or think about it). Sorry, this is the end. TAWOG will be forever! ❤

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