Instinct: 1

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An 12 years old troublemaker named Gumball, he finally noticed himself that he's acting like an animal. He went to talk his father, his brother and sister but little did he know that he was growing old and his instinct is taking over quickly. He was thinking that if his mother done this before, he should ask her about his instinct but quickly denied and gone far worse.

TAWOG belongs to Ben Bouquelet (c) Cartoon Network


Gumball is getting old, his instincts are about to kick in like he never felt before. Nicole, Gumball's mother forgot to mention that this is important for his life even for other anthropomorphic animals who need to control their instincts. Day after day in his house, Gumball got to tell Darwin something, "Dude, I was wondering what would happen if I act mostly like a cat?" Darwin was surprised that Gumball never tells that question before, he is very unsure if that would happen or not. "Gumball, that question is sound strange and had you felt like this before?" Darwin said, looking more confusing at his older brother. Gumball remembered back then when he had to take out the trash, on that time closely to 3:00 PM, he remembered that he played laser pointer when Darwin doesn't even know what that thing is. Then he snapped out by his fish brother who waiting for his answer when he replies, "You know how I act like a cat sometimes, but what would happen if I mostly act like a cat. Please answer, cause the past days ago I acted so strangely that I ate a bird for breakfast!" Darwin was very shocked to hear this, he doesn't want to reply back because of course, he's a cat. Cat eat fish, hopefully, Gumball swears that he would never eat Darwin.

Time passed away, it's time for dinner and Gumball doesn't feel like he's gonna eat then he called his little sister, Anais to have some private talk with him. Gumball told Anais to follow him to the kid's room then he asked the same question that he told his adopted brother. Anais was very unsure about it, Gumball knows that she should answer his question cause she the smartest and younger of the family. Anais finally answers, " I think it's because you're growing old, that the scientific fact. I'm a bunny and you're a cat, I don't know why are you asking me this but still, I'm sure you're growing." Gumball thinks for a moment, could this be possible that he's growing up? Is he gonna hurt his family if his instinct stays on longer than usual? When he stops thinking, Anais left back to eat her food then Gumball comes down and sits down with his family trying to cover his worry. Nicole looks at her son like he's not gonna eat anything playing around his food bored, "Gumball? Are you ok? Is there anything that you wanted to say something important?" Gumball nodded saying as "no", he gets up from the chair and go to his room. Darwin and Anais both look at each other and their parent Nicole and Richard who get worried too.

Gumball in his room, lying on his bed to the side where he could face the window to see the stars and the moon that gives him calm down. The door knocked then it opens, it was Richard, a fat bunny dad came in and sit on his side of his bed where he was looking at the window where the sky sparkling bright in the night. " Son, you know when you look at the sky that makes you calm all the time when you're stressed out or other types of feeling you have." Gumball thinks hard what Richard is trying to say, then he continues. "Your mother does that all the time when she is completely stressed out, she told me she loves to look at the night and looking at the star shining. I'm sure you have one of your mother's gene."

Gumball thought again for a moment and he finally understands, his mother seems like she did do done this instinct before. He was wondering if he can ask his father for more answer. "Dad, I was wondering if my mom acted like a cat before?" Gumball tries his best with his question making Richard not to be dumb, of course, he is very dumb. Richard said, " She's is old enough to act like a cat, I'm sure she did act like a cat before when she was very younger." Gumball gasped, make Richard gasped again too, "Thank you, dad! Don't say anything, I need to talk mom!"

Richard gets off from Gumball's bed as Darwin and Anais enter. Gumball already talked about what if his instinct overtake him, he was interrupted by a little sister, " Gumball its time for bed, I know you haven't talked to our mom yet. Mom said she will talk with you tomorrow night, she was exhausted by her work and she need break time." Gumball understood, then he went to the bathroom to change his clothes and come right out about 30 seconds. He got on his bed, laid down, and grab his blanket to cover the cold air.

Richard opens the door and says goodnight and the kids said goodnight too. Darwin falls asleep happily and to Anais who fell asleep with her plush toy, Daisy the Donkey and then to Gumball who was awake worry what gonna happen next. He was thinking: Does Gumball inherit from his mother? Could this be a clue? What happens if my instinct overtakes me? Am I becoming dangerous? He thought more, then try not to worry, he went to sleep peacefully.

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