Unlikely Choice 2

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Gumball sits alone and thinks about it if he can use the time machine to show his future? Or in the past? Different choices? These questions left him thinking for the rest of the day until night time.


Today will be an amazing day according to Gumball because he's going out on a date with Penny, his girlfriend.

He gets off from his bed and goes to the bathroom to relieve his bladder and ready to freshen up himself. 10 minutes later, he was ready to go out but his mom interrupts him.

"Where are you going, sweetie?"

"I gonna go out for a date with my girlfriend, so bye!" He replied and dashed out quickly before Nicole could reply back.

He was now walking on the sidewalk, looking on his phone about him and Penny, he scrolls many of the photos about them together. He smiles and struck him about the questions that he thought a bit about the future from last night. If he asked Anais to use the time machine real quick, she'll be angry and tell on him. If he snuck out and use the watch, that will send him in the future. His thoughts are interrupted by hitting himself on the pole.

"Ow, I should pay attention a little more." He said as he walked past the pole.

He finally arrives at Elmore Mall and he sees so many people minding their business and shopping thing. He kept walking quickly to find Penny which she said to him that it would be at the Diner place. After a few minutes, he finally found her, he stares at her imagining about these two lovebirds in the future. He was interrupted again by Penny running up to him to give him a bear hug.

"Gumball! Are you okay, do you want me to kiss you? Why are you starting?"

They hugged and started walking, Gumball replied, "Sorry Penny, every time I came to see you, u are extraordinary."

Penny started to giggle, "Oh Gumball, I remember you said that since I smashed out the window."

As they arrived at Elmore Diner, they sat down and looking through the order of this delicious food. "Yeah, I remember that to tell you that you should show your true self."

"So anything going on up with your mind?" They both ready to order, waiting for Larry to come.

"Well, I don't know anything about what's going to happen in the future about us, I mean, I been thinking about us and our future."

Before Penny could reply, Larry showed up taking their order and asking them what drink and left to prepare their order.

"Gumball, oh you silly, I was thinking about that too but I don't want our future to be ruined if we believe our mind so much. But I'm serious, we don't know what's going to happen in the future. But I will always love you and I want you to stop thinking about our future Gummypuss."

Gumball was shocked but he knew that Penny was right, he can't think about their future because they don't know what's going happen in the future.

"I understand Penny, but I don't know why I'm asking about these our future questions." He started laughing along with Penny.

Finally, Larry sends them a drink and the food that they ordered cheeseburger and fresh fries with sauce.

As they started to take their first bite, Penny said, "I heard that your sister was making a time machine."

Gumball swallowed his burger, "Yeah, that's the reason why I asked about our future because I'm looking forward!"

"Are you seriously gonna use the time machine?!"

"Uh...yeah, she doesn't let me use it," Gumball replied, taking the third bite of his burger.

"Gumball, that's so dangerous, I mean what happens if you were trapped in the future and the past that you don't know how to fix the machine, what if- what if our past and our future changed if you're gone, and how-" Gumball put his clean finger over her lip to stop babbling.

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