1 - Break

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I've come to the realization that a lot of my fics have a common series of events. Main character somehow becomes subservient to someone else and yadda yadda yadda. 

This begins that way, but I intend to make this one different ;)

(Nighty is a total brotherly tsundere).

With that said, please enjoy!

Comments are welcome and appreciated!


I wasn't sure how to feel. I had been trapped in that stone for almost as long as I could remember, and honestly, I hadn't expected to be greeted by five scary-looking skeletons who immediately laid their bony hands on me and began to drag me through several hallways. I decided to look on the bright side. I was finally able to move of my own free will! And I could see colors! The walls of the building I was in were a soft black, with some purple designs every once in a while; they reminded me of Nightmare..I wondered where he had gone. Even if he was a scary, goopy tall skeleton monster, he was still my brother..and I loved him, no matter what mistakes he had made in the past. Sure, he had..killed Mom..but he must have had a reason! Nighty never did things without reasons, and I was sure that he would tell me if I asked! The four other skeletons were dragging me through the hallways with tall ceilings to a specific room, and when we arrived, they let go of me and stood straight in front of the door, facing me..they reminded me of the village guard! I wondered if they were guards..that would be awesome!

"Hello!" I decided to be friendly.

The four skeletons didn't spare me a glance, only facing straight forward. That was fine. I decided to look around the room, finding..nothing. The room was empty! That was boring! I pouted slightly before facing the guard-like individuals. If they weren't going to greet me, I'd greet them! The first one, from right to left, was a large skeleton with one eyelight and a hole in his skull..that must have been painful. I decided not to touch the hole; it might have hurt him, and I didn't want to hurt anyone! Next, a smaller skeleton in a hood wore a red scarf  that complimented his eyelights..except he was absolutely covered in dust..I wondered if he took baths. The third one had a black and white wardrobe, along with a red scar under his right eyesocket. The last one had no eyelights, but, rather, streams of black goo falling from his eyesockets..this had to be investigated. I curiously lifted a finger to one of his cheeks, and I inspected the goo that I had wiped off. Then I ate it.

"Strawberry.." I smiled at the discovery, giggling and jumping up to grab some more goo; this was the best thing I'd tasted in..a long time..I wondered how long I had been a statue.

After three and a half minutes of eating the goop that fell from the skeleton's eyesockets, the door to the room opened, and the one whom I now knew as my brother walked in, looking at me with an expression I couldn't place when he realized that I was eating goop.

"What are you doing..?" He seemed disappointed, but there was no reason to feel disappointment at this..perhaps I was just rusty at sensing emotions.

"Eating." I replied, licking the goo from my fingers. 

"..Don't eat my men." 

"They look like monsters, not humans."

"..You know what I mean." 

"No, I don't..?"

He sighed. "..They work for me."

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