7 - Babysitter

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Before we begin, I'd like to thank everyone for their ideas; you all had super great ones, and I'm really sorry that it took this long for me to upload. :c

With that said, a few people suggested ideas that were used in this chapter: Free_Fart_Avenue, Sanie_Moon, and Z1pperZoomin! By the way, I have literally copied down a ton of ideas that were suggested in my notes, and you may see them in the future! I will credit anyone who had an idea that I use, and if I forget to do that because I'm a dumb person, please remind me (and if you don't want to be credited, please say so, and I will respect that).

Um, one last thing. Free_Fart_Avenue requested that Dream gets a bitty, and I absolutely love that idea! I haven't written anything with bitties as main or secondary characters before, but if you guys want that to be added, I'd definitely be willing to try! If you don't want that, I'd be fine with that, too. Do you guys want Dream to have a little bitty companion? If so, what type? I'll do research into which one (or ones) you guys want, if Dream does end up getting a bitty (or more than one, depending on the circumstances ;D).

Anyways, on to questions, and then the chapter!

Question: Were there other prisoners down there when this happened? What do they think of the King of Negativity rescuing a child from the Protector of AUs?

Answer: Yes, but they probably assumed that Nightmare just wanted Ink to be securely imprisoned, and having his "servant" injured wouldn't be a good thing.

Question: Is eating negativity goop safe?

Answer: Mayyyybeee..?

Comments are welcome and appreciated!

Please enjoy!


It had been ten months since I had been trapped in stone. I had been adjusting more to regular life, and I considered myself much smarter than I had been before. I knew a lot about friendship, and I knew what all the new "technology" in the castle was! Speaking of the castle..it was a bit..lonely? Nighty and the others had to leave me alone a lot..and I didn't always have something to do. One could only walk down the same hallways so many times before there was no sense of adventure anymore..and I knew what every door led to. The castle felt small when I was alone, and the only place that felt big in those times was the dungeon, where I knew I had friends. I was usually down there when Nighty and the others left, and they were gone right now; I had just arrived to say hello to my friends down here.

"Sunshine's returned!" Ink, whose cell was near the doorway, had taken to announcing my arrival with various nicknames; I had grown used to it.

"Hello, Ink." I greeted; after our first encounter, he had decided that he was going to be my friend for the pure fact that I was shorter than him...and I had just accepted that.

"Hi! Welcome once again to boredom land!"

"It can't be that bad." I shook my skull; the prisoners in the dungeon didn't know how good they had it.

"But it is! I can't even draw!" Ink had obviously never been trapped in stone before.

"It's pretty bad." Another prisoner sighed.

"Hey, kid?" A newer prisoner (I knew because I had locked him in by myself only a week ago) addressed me. "How're things going in the outside world?"

"Uh.." I shrugged. "Oh! I accidentally overflowed the bathtub three days ago!"

"I mean..in the multiverse.."

"Oh, I'm sorry..I don't know. I mean, I know of the multiverse, but I've never actually..seen it."

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