4 - Error

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Here's where those noncanon powers come in to play.

Comments are welcome and appreciated! 

Please enjoy! 


It had been three months. Apparently, helping Dust during his dilemma had had unexpected effects; for one thing, the others treated me differently. They still hadn't heard the entire story, but just Dust's respect seemed to get them to lighten up on their taunts; they no longer pulled dangerous pranks around me, in any case. They still made fun of me for not knowing what modern things were (how was I supposed to know that the faces in the walls made electricity?!), as well as a lot of other things that I couldn't help, though. I endured it. Today was a special day in the castle, and I had been given the day off from working! Nightmare had made everyone pitch in to help clean the living room and main parts of the castle before a very special visitor was due to arrive: someone called Error. I wasn't really exactly sure why Nighty wanted this Error person to join his "gang," but he seemed incredibly determined to get him to, and I wanted to see it happen! I was excited to see what Error looked like; the others had said that he was interesting, and that was good enough for me!

"I want all of you on your best behavior; we may only get one shot at this." Nighty stated, standing in front of us as we stood in a line. "That means no puns, no jokes, no snickering, no giggling, no inside jokes, no glares, no rulebreaking of any kind, no touching our guest, and no speaking unless you are spoken to. Am I understood?"

"Yes, Nightmare!" We all responded.

"And, Dream, tone down the positivity." 

"Okay.." I sighed; Nightmare didn't really want me to be positive, since he wanted to make me into a negative spirit; I wasn't really sure what that meant, but it had something to do with staying inside and cleaning the castle..I believed..

"Good. He will arrive any time now."

At that, we sat down and waited for our visitor, while I tried to not have my happiest smile for him. Positivity and negativity were weird; Nightmare always wanted me to be negative, while my soul wanted me to be positive. Positivity was happiness and care, while negativity was..sadness. I didn't really understand them. They were opposites, too, and they canceled eachother out when they came together; I was the exception, apparently. Nightmare's castle was flooded with negative magic, since he had lived here for a very long time, and anything positive should have been immediately killed - I should have been killed just by setting foot in his castle. I had been here during my imprisonment in the stone, however, and because of that, I had developed some sort of "immunity" to the negative energy of the castle, which made me not be killed. That was the only reason I hadn't died when I had left the stone; I was lucky, according to Nightmare. I was glad, too; if I had died, I wouldn't have been able to live with my brother! After we had waited for thirty minutes, a portal opened in the living room, and a skeleton walked out of it.

From my first glance, it was obvious that this skeleton wasn't a normal skeleton. His bones were black, except for some parts of his fingers and his face. Blue streaks ran down his face, sort of like Killer, but these looked more..permanent. His body also..what was the word? I didn't know if there was a word for that; little bits..little chunks of his body just..moved? It was..weird. His eyelights were sort of like Dust's; they had more colors, though, and it was only the left one. Needless to say, he was very interesting to look at, but I didn't want to stare.

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