8 - Birthday

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Ideas from Free_Fart_Avenue, SpiritM, and NickIsSus were used in this chapter (there's a bitty :3). Thank you!

Comments are welcome and appreciated!

Please enjoy!


It had been two months since the "invaders" had come. Nighty had told me what invaders were since then, and he had told me that they had freed every prisoner in the dungeon. Nighty and the others had had to leave more frequently because of that for some reason, and..I was alone more often. Right now, there was no one in the dungeon; when the others left, I was alone. That wasn't so bad, though; Error visited, sometimes, and so did Blue! In fact, I was with Error right now; Nighty had asked if Error could watch me while the others went out, even though I had beeen alone in the castle before - maybe he just didn't want me to get bored! In any case, Error and I were having tons of fun!

"How does this look?" I held up my work.

"Pretty good, actually." Error chuckled. 


"You know, I think you're one of the only people I've known for more than a week who knows how to sew; who taught you?"

"Oh! When I still lived near the village, the tailor taught me how to patch things up and make small things!" 

"That's cool; were you friends?"

"Y-" I paused, thinking about what Nighty had said.. "Well..we were more..acquaintances.." 

"..Are you okay?" 

"Yep!" I nodded quickly. "Just, uh, have I told you how scenic this place is?"

"..." Error looked around. "It's a white void; please tell me where this is scenic."

"..Did you make that beanbag?"

"Nah, I st-" Error coughed. "I was gifted it by a stranger!"

"Nightmare says it's not good to accept things from strangers, even if it's candy."

"Kid, especially when it's candy." Error shuddered, before muttering something to himself about chocolate, I believed. "Anyways, what's the thing for? It's a little thin to be a blanket, don't you think?"

"Oh, it's not for me, silly!" I giggled. "This is for Nightmare!" 


"'Cause today's his birthday!"

"Wait, really?" Error groaned. "Does that mean I have to get him something, too?"

"I guess, if you want to." I shrugged. 

"I didn't think he even celebrated his birthday."

"He doesn't." I confirmed; Nightmare had told me that when I had been pestering him about birthdays a few months ago.

"Then why are you making him a gift?"

"..Personal reasons." Reasons such as, 'I'm his brother,' and, 'I want to make him happy!'

"Whatever." Error rolled his eyelights. "When am I supposed to drop you off, again?"

"Uh, four o'clock." I recalled. 

"We've got thirty minutes, then." 

"Really?!" I gasped. "Do you have wrapping paper? I need to wrap this!" 

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