Threatening Royalty Part 2

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"W...w...what?! It can't be! Y-y-you're supposed to" Will stuttered. All the apprentices had a look of horror on their faces as they ripped off the hoods of all the murderers-to-be.

For sitting in front of them all were their craftmasters.

Halt gave Will and his friends a rare smile. "Well done. You passed the test," he said simply.

The apprentices just stood there with their mouths wide open, gaping at them. Pauline laughed and decided to explain. "We needed to test you, but it had to be realistic. So we organised everything with Duncan who agreed. We gave you many clues too, but they were quite hard. Arlen Garth is an anagram for Ranger Halt, and Alie Pun is an anagram for Pauline. Unfortunately, after the messenger had already been sent, Halt and Rodney decided to name themselves after Bart and Carney after the two robbers that robbed you, according to Gilan. Oh, by the way, Gilan, you can come in." Pauline called the last part out and Gilan walked in. He was wearing the royal guard's uniform.

"You were one of the guards that were 'knocked out'?" Will asked.

Gilan grinned. "Yep! I watched the whole thing happen. That was a pretty good plan. Too bad it didn't work," he added sympathetically. "Loved the way you phrased your plea for help, Cassandra. And who picked up on that?"

Alyss said, "That would be me." 

"Nice. And I loved Jenny coming out with her arrow-proof pan. Who's idea was that? It was brilliant."

"It was mine." Jenny blushed as Gilan grinned at her and gave her a thumbs up.

Pauline cleared her throat, and Jenny and Gilan turned red and looked to the floor. She internally laughed, all the time keeping her cool composure outside, and continued. "Anyway, they decided to name themselves after the two robbers because there might've been a chance that you may have over-estimated them just because you knew from past experience they were awful at fighting. Luckily, it didn't look like Cassandra did." She grinned at Cassandra, who flushed at the compliment. Her dad looked at her fondly and patted her back. "So, in the end, Chubb had to be Arlen Garth."

"So basically we just needed to see how you guys would handle yourselves without us, and it seems like you did well, apart from the fact that the first plan failed. Miserably." Halt concluded. Pauline glanced sharply at Halt. "Fine. We didn't know about the first plan if not for Gilan. But we needed to see how you would react if things didn't go according to plan."

Pauline grinned. "Anything you guys would like to say?"

Jenny nodded. "Actually, yes." She looked at Halt steadily. "Why did you shoot an arrow at me if it was just a test? It could've killed me!" 

Chubb glared at Halt. "You didn't tell me you'd be shooting my apprentice!"

Halt raised an eyebrow. "It wasn't a real arrow. It was a blunt covered in ten layers of cloth, shot by a recurve bow by me without much power. Even if it hit Jenny, it wouldn't have made a scratch. And besides, I thought Duncan was coming out."

Chubb turned red and found a sudden interest in the floor in front of him. Rodney chuckled and said, "That was some good sword fighting, Horace, although I didn't expect anything worse than that. And Duncan did help you in the end."

Will heard Horace mumble something about high expectations.

"I liked the way you held your pan like a weapon when you came in, Jenny. And what's this I hear about you blocking an arrow with it?" Chubb asked.

Jenny assured her craftmaster, embarrassed. "I'll tell you later."

Rodney cleared his throat. "Got a cold?" Halt, Gilan, and Will asked. 

Rodney gave them a pained expression, obviously used to this sort of sarcasm. "No, but I've been thinking-"

"A dangerous pastime." The three rangers chorused. Rodney simply sighed.

"Well, other apprentices that we've done this test on hasn't ever been this successful. In fact, this was practically a failure test that they're not supposed to even accomplish. We just needed to see how far into stopping us they got, before getting captured. You guys are probably the first group to ever successfully capture us."

Halt groaned and looked at Pauline. "Rodney was never a smart one, was he?"

Pauline carefully hid a smile. "Dear, don't be rude. He's right here."

Halt just rolled his eyes, obviously unconcerned. "Way to boost their ego, Rodney."

Rodney shrugged. "I think they've done such a brilliant job that we should let them have a holiday for a week. You all agree?" he looked at the other craftmasters who all nodded, except for, you guessed it, Halt.

"Really Rodney?"

"Halt..." Pauline started firmly, meaning clear behind the one word.

"Fine. One week only, Will. And then you're back to training. Don't expect this sort of treatment all the time."

"Oh! Is Halt going soft?" Gilan teased.

"Right! That's it. No holiday for you, Will. We're starting training as soon as we get back." Halt ordered firmly. No one was going to convince him otherwise, even Pauline.

Gilan scratched his neck sheepishly as Will gave him a glare that could rival Halt's. "Gilan..." He stood up, grabbing his bow and arrow.

Gilan stood up too, fear in his eyes. "Better run, bye!" He ran faster than he ever did before.

Just so I'm clear, are there any other questions/mystery that isn't answered in this two-shot? I may have missed some, sorry. By the way,


Bart: Halt
Carney: Rodney
Alie Pun: Pauline
Arlen Garth: Supposed to be Halt but then changed to Chubb
Gilan: Knocked out guard


Pauline: Alie Pun: Ani Lupe
Ranger Halt: Arlen Garth: Erhart Lang

And to those who are wondering:

"You missed a spot." Halt smirked at Gilan as the former apprentice looked up at the elder ranger in annoyance. Gilan was scrubbing the floor using a tiny handkerchief that Halt bought just for Gilan.

In case you're thinking, no, Halt didn't buy it for Gilan out of his care for him. He bought it so that he could complete this job.

"Can I have a break please Halt? Will gets to go on a holiday so I have to clean your cabin. Why can't you do it yourself?" Gilan begged.

"Just do it and stop complaining." Halt said, unmoved.

"Gosh, Halt. Have some sympathy, will you?" Gilan begged, and immediately regretted it.

At the words, Halt looked Gilan in the eye and grinned evilly. "No, Gilan. I can't be going soft."

Hope you enjoyed the story!

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