Floor 1 - Chapter 1 - Brave New World

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~ November 6th, 2022 (Day 1), Floor 1 - Aincrad, The Town of Beginnings ~

Despite his earlier speech to Koharu, Jet was struggling with the situation. 9787 people were now in the game, possibly fewer by now. He honestly hoped that SAO had disabled suicides, otherwise... well, that didn't bear thinking about. The screams from behind him though, seemed to suggest otherwise though. Regardless, if Sword Art Online was going to be his grave, then he'd be damned if he sat around and let everyone die. First problem first, Jet had absolutely no idea what he was doing, and realised that walking straight out into an area full of monsters wasn't a particularly clever idea, especially not with the armour they currently had. Before they even considered looking for the first boss, they'd have to start grinding like their lives depended on it... which they now did. Hopefully, the few monsters they'd taken down in the beta, and the Col they'd collected from them would allow them to get some upgrades right off the bat. Wouldn't be much, but to quote a supermarket, every little helps.

''Jet?'' - Koharu tapped him on the shoulder, before he snapped back to focus on the world around him.

''Oh, off in my own world, sorry. Just, thinking things through. I think we should head into the town itself. If nothing else, I can work out how much Col we're actually gonna need to get something with stats slightly better than paper.''

''You look... I don't really know how to explain it''

''It's fine, I'll be fine. Let's focus on levelling up, that's the only way we're gonna do anything'' - Jet shut down that particular avenue of conversation quickly.

''Agreed, but... I'm terrified. I know most people don't want to die, but now, just one slip up and we're dead. You saw how I played when we met...''

''I did, and d'ya know what I saw? I saw someone who wants to get better, and right now, that's what we need. Someone who knows their limits, but works to move those limits even further up. Which is what we honestly need right now, if we ever plan to clear this nightmare.''

''Random question, but did you write speeches?'' - Jet started chuckling at the comment.

''Nah, just good at them, years of watching Doctor Who compulsively, I suppose. But right now, we know where we stand. We've got an objective, we just need to find a way to achieve it.''

The duo walked into the merchant district, and began looking around the stalls for any indicator as to how much money they'd actually need for even just basic equipment. Roughly 500 Col, the duo worked out, to stand a fighting chance out on the Plains. Not ideal, but given they were currently on 290 Col, from the beta test, not completely unachievable either. The duo continued walking around, working out a plan of action - ''So, we need 210 Col, or more, to get everything we each need. Looking at your fighting style though, I'd suggest getting some form of stabbing weapon, a dagger or rapier, maybe.''

''You actually know your stuff, I'm impressed'' - An unfamiliar voice commented from somewhere behind Koharu, though despite Jet's best efforts in looking around, he couldn't see them, until they stepped into view.

''Thanks, who are you?''

''You can call me Argo. I'm whatcha might call an information broker. I gather info, and sell it on, and you two, well, ya look like yer on a mission out here. Tell ya what, you help me out, I can make up that extra 210 Col, and more... deal?''

''Hm, I don't-''


''Deal it is then. Tell us what we've just sold our souls for...''

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