Floor 8 - Chapter 2 - Gaolhouse Rock

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The next morning, Floor 8, Aincrad.

Jet had slept surprisingly well, all things considered. It hadn't hurt that he'd spent half of that time with Koharu hugging him like a child would a teddy, but sadly for him, that time had to end, as an alarm went off in his periphery. 8am... At least it wasn't half five this time, he thought. Damn, that had been an unpleasant experience with waking up... ''Morning!'' - Trust Koharu to be up already. The girl was either incredibly well practiced at waking up, or was even worse at sleeping than he was! ''Morning...'' - He groggily replied, as he pulled himself free of the covers.

''You okay after yesterday?'' - Ah, yes, that. Jet had basically admitted that he was paranoid, and that even he was concerned that what had happened wouldn't be a one off... it was no surprise that Koharu would be concerned too. ''Yeah, I'll be okay. Have to be, right?''

''No one 'has to be okay', Jet, but... tell me if something's bothering you, right?''

''Yes, ma'am.'' - Jet saluted sarcastically, as Koharu rolled her eyes. She knew that Jet would try to act like this was nothing, and as much as it bothered her, she hoped he knew his own mental state well enough to know whether it was a cause for concern, or not.

After meeting up with everyone downstairs, it had been decided that they'd split off into two groups for the day - Jet, Koharu and Rain would take Phillia, who'd decided she was at least somewhat curious about the Elf War Quest, and wanted in, if she could, whilst Argo would look after Silica for the day, and learn some more about her and Pina, and hopefully, get some more info on the familiars, and avoid any more nasty encounters like yesterday.

''According to Argo, we've got to head into the Snowlit Woods, and then look for a big cavern, that's shaped like a... uhh...'' - Rain trailed off as she read the message. That couldn't be right, could it, she thought to herself...

''What's an uhhh, Rain?'' - Koharu asked, slightly confused...

''Woah. What she means is a certain part of the male anatomy, that I'm sure as hell not going to say...'' - Phillia elaborated. Jet looked over Rain's shoulder to see the image Argo had given them... yup, Phillia was right. ''Um, yep. That certainly looks like that. Big cylindrical entrance, with a dome at the top and two bells near the base... can't miss it.''

After an hour, the group had found the cavern that Jet had taken to calling ''the Cavern of Blackheath'', and were halfway through ridding it of the monstrous squatters.

''Phillia, switch!'' - Rain called out, as Phillia raced behind a yeti, slashing it in the back, whilst Jet beheaded another one a small distance away. Two sounds of shattering crystals filled the cavern, and the group were clear of their opponents. ''Nice one Rain!''

''Thank you! You weren't so bad yourself!''

''Okay, so it's through here, and we should be able to hear the sound of elves clashing, which marks the start of the quest on this floor.'' - Rain read out, as Jet poked his head through the small gap in the rock. Bingo! He could hear it, but... there was no way he was getting through that gap. It was less than a foot in diameter, and he was six foot in height...

The girls looked through the hole, and realised that, with a bit of shimmying, they were able to fit through there... just. Jet, on the other hand, would have to find his own way around, and he'd got an idea - that rock face looked as if it had some convenient footholds...

''Okay, ah ha! I see the elves... oh hell, it's Kizmel, and she's surrounded!'' - Rain called out, as Koharu shouted back to Jet... ''Jet! It's Kizmel, and she's in trouble!''

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