Floor 10 - Boss - Kagachi the Samurai Lord

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After another journey of walking and talking, the group had reached Hatu again and handed her and Ouroboros the Demonblade, with some small amount of information on the boss they'd be facing. The boss was, as they'd all assumed, the sorcerer who'd taken over Senja, who had once been named Kagachi. If the information from Hatu, and the revitalised Ouroboros was correct, then they were expecting Kagachi to summon minions to attack them, whilst using various area attacks on them, which required a specific potion to be made to nullify the effects. That quest had been taken on by Kirito, Asuna and Mito as it turned out, so they were certain of a positive result there.

That being said, Klein had been slightly disappointed in not getting a fancy blade as the quest reward, but he wasn't about to turn his nose up at the amount of Col and XP that had given to them either, especially not as the amount that Thinker and Yulier had received was enough to, in their own words, ''keep the guild well equipped for at least a month''. With that revelation, Jet idly wondered if perhaps the amount they actually spent on equipment and upgrades might just be a bit on the high side, given that would last the four of them about two weeks. Either way, and with the loot divvied up between them, the group had split up - Thinker and Yulier returning to their guild, having offered them all a place, should they want it, an offer that was politely declined in all cases, whilst the others headed back into Senja Town, to meet up with Argo.

''So, little brother... how are you okay with fighting snake monsters, but not with actual snakes?'' Strea asked, looking back to her brother, who was currently stabbing an Orochi Foot Soldier, whilst Koharu flanked around it, her dagger slashing along its right side and back.

''They don't really look like snakes- rragh!- More like humans with snake features!'' Jet grunted, retrieving his sword from the stomach of the unlucky Orochi before it burst into pixels.

''You're gonna be okay going up against the big 'un though, right?'' The slightly bored purple-ette asked, whilst leaning on her sword as if they weren't in the middle of a fight against samurai snakes... ''Oh, by the way, finished my lot. You owe me ten Col.'' She grinned.

''It wasn't a race you know... nor am I giving you ten Col.'' He rolled his eyes at his sister, before continuing. ''Also, yes, I'll be fine. Just the whole Ouroboros thing that weirded me out, and that's over and done with now.''

''You know you could've told her no, right?'' Koharu, now finished with sheathing her rapier, stated as she walked back to the siblings. ''If snakes really do freak you out that much, even.''

''As I said, Ko, I'm fine against the actual monsters, it's more just actual snakes.'' He reiterated, earning a look of annoyance from his sister.

''You are as stubborn as a mule, you know that, right?'' Strea rolled her eyes, as she stood back up to walk off, but not before she finished her thoughts on the matter, ''Either that, or stupid enough to risk your own life to impress a girl that already loves you. I can never tell with you, Michael.'' The use of his real name seemed to hit home, and Jet sighed to himself. He considered trying to explain it, but realised it would sound even more stupid, and so decided not to.

''It's neither.'' Jet muttered under his breath as the pair followed behind, only barely loud enough for Koharu, who was immediately next to him to hear.

''I don't think she means it like that, she's just worried for you... I think.'' Koharu honestly couldn't tell. The siblings had a complicated relationship, and both would admit it to anyone who asked. What they refused to admit was that both could be civil with each other, without resorting to insults, and just being straightforward with each other instead.

''Something like that, I guess. Look, Ko, I-'' started Jet, before getting cut off as the other trio approached them.

''Figured we'd find you around somewhere. You look...'' Kirito spoke offhandedly, before the combined glares of Asuna and Mito shut him up before he could insult anyone accidentally. ''-well.''

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