Floor 20 - Chapter 1 - The Rule of Mobs

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Arriving on the Twentieth Floor of Aincrad, the group were all happy about one thing in particular... the weather was so much better. A sunny day, backed up by an almost cloudless blue sky, and greenery as far as the eye could see. In other words, much better than the Nineteenth Floor, and it's miserable grey sky, the hallucinogenic mists and the mind defying monsters.

''Blimey, you actually listened to someone when they told you to rest... '' Strea joked as she walked up to the group, whilst Klein caught up from behind. He really hoped she didn't notice the looks that he and Koharu were exchanging, else there'd be more questions asked than either of them were comfortable.

''Actually, I had quite a good time...'' He replied, smirking towards Koharu as he did, before realising who else was present. ''For a day off, I mean!'' He added hastily. The look on Strea's face told him that she had some pertinent questions for them both, but had decided to keep them to herself for now.

''Sure...'' Fortunately, the rather indignant arrival of her guild leader kept her from digging any deeper for now.

''Could warn me next time you plan to run off like that, Strea!'' The slightly indignant looking samurai stopped to catch his breath, almost leaning on Strea as he did. The look she was giving him was one that Jet couldn't really work out, but it certainly wasn't the usual ''you're making a tit of yourself.'' look she often had on her face. ''Glad to see you guys made it, I figured ya wouldn't just up and kick the bucket, but I'm glad you're all still in one piece.''

''More worried for your safety with her around. She's not causing too much grief, right?'' He asked, earning a slight chuckle from the samurai.

''Nah, pretty much everyone's gotten used to her around by now. Swear jar's full though.'' Klein admitted.

''Who's she, the cat's mother?!'' Strea asked, scandalised at the knight and samurai discussing her as if she weren't present... ''Well, my brother's still being an ass then, I see? And after we bailed you out too?''

''I mean, you are territorial, and constantly catty. so...'' He smiled as innocently as he could, before Strea drew him into an attack hug as she called it... a gesture that now hurt a hell of a lot more, given her recent addition of a steel chest plate... ''Oww...'' He mumbled.

''Teaches you to mock your beloved big sister.'' The purple-ette grinned, as Jet staggered back, dazed from the impact.

''Yes Beth, the time is five-twenty five, and up next, we have The Killers with Run For Cover...'' He spoke into the microphone that had mysteriously appeared in front of his face, as he leant on a tree to recover.

''Strea, could you try not to concuss your brother...'' Klein sighed from over by the girls, as the woman in question shrugged. ''Anyway, away from the siblings for a bit, you all doing okay? After everything, I mean,''

''Last floor was a little rough, but we're coping.'' Phillia admitted, in the knowledge that Klein was at least somewhat aware of what they'd found and the inevitable nightmares that would stem from that floor. Klein gave them a sympathetic look in response.

''Anyway, where's the rest of Fuurinkazen?'' Rain asked, noticing their absence.

''They'll catch up in a few...'' Strea answered, returning from making sure her brother hadn't toppled over.

''Luckily, I told them where I was going, so they don't think we ditched them. We've already started grinding on this floor, but we're making sure to be as cautious as possible. Don't need any nasty surprises coming our way...''

''I almost mistook you for someone else there, Klein... you actually sounded like an adult for a minute there.'' A deeper voice came from across the field - that of the resident axe wielder, adult and shopkeeper, Agil.

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