Floor 9 - Chapter 5 - A Royal Meeting

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The group headed through the snow, following the two members who actually had the Tracking skill, and in that moment, Jet hoped they weren't just chasing some form of echo from a monster's cry.


''Shh, I hear it. It's coming from over there!'' Toot. A few seconds passed by, before the next whistle, and now considerably closer, the group headed towards the noise. Approaching the source of the noise, it remained a mystery as to who was producing it...

''It should be around here somewhere...'' As usual, the word 'should' was one of those words that usually didn't mean what it proclaimed to. It should've been warm here, yet it was a snow covered forest. It should've been safe to play this damned game, yet here they were.

Koharu noticed a strange reflection just a little to their left. The light, rather than reflecting off the snow as it should've, seemed to change direction at a certain point. ''Umm, I think I've found our mystery whistler?'' She questioned, as she waved her hand near the refraction, to see if that did anything...

It did, and a cloak dropped to reveal the source of the whistle. ''I'm most pleased that you came, young warriors. I'm glad you're well too.'' Stood in front of them, was the Dark Elf they'd assisted on the fifth floor, Merja. Her armour looked more worn than it had on the fifth floor, but that was almost certainly due to the Fallen stepping up their game now. None of them had any doubts that it was, or was very soon to be, all hands on deck. ''I wish our reunion was under better circumstances, however...''

''Under better circumstances?'' Koharu wondered what that meant.

''Lady Kizmel is being held captive inside the Moongleam Castle. She is not allowed to leave the place.''

''Wait... why would the Lyusulans capture one of their best knights?'' Jet asked, very confused. The only explanation that popped into his head was that they considered her a traitor for some reason. Maybe she'd came into knowledge that wasn't to be known? Otherwise, it had to be a set up, Kizmel had always been staunchly on the side of... Oh! Jet mentally slapped himself. The whole thing about the Sacred Tree... maybe she'd found out which side, if any, were actually correct! That would certainly explain it!

''There is a risky method that you could use to ask her yourselves. An old way to enter the castle unseen.''

''Some sort of old tunnel, or sewer system, maybe?'' Phillia asked.

''The Cave Beyond the Hills leads into a hidden set of corridors in the castle. They were supposed to be for smuggling the Royals out, should it be necessary. However, as they have not seen use for this purpose in a very long time, monsters began to breed in the damp conditions offered by the waterways. I trust that you shall be able to handle the settled monsters?''

''We've gotten a fair bit better since you last saw us, Merja.'' Jet stated confidently.

''I look forward to seeing you all in action. I shall accompany you, as the door requires an incantation to open. If you will excuse me, I'm just going to check the cave entrance for traps. I would recommend preparing whilst I am gone.'' As she left, Jet scanned through his list of potions. A sizeable number of HP recovery potions, and anti-ailment potions, along with some drinks he'd prepared for long treks. This counted as the latter, and so, he materialised one of them - a glass bottle, that emanated heat, with a dark brown liquid in it.

''What's that?''

''Oh, just coffee. Figured I'd need it, given we've been up nearly a day now.''

''Uhh, you gonna share that, or...''

''Sure, just take a sip. There's enough here to allow you to see Muhammed Ali in a dark room with your eyes shut, anyway. I'd rather not be bouncing off the walls later.'' Phillia was first to take a sip from the bottle, and evidently didn't enjoy it, her face contorted as she handed the bottle back.

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