Floor 9 - Chapter 7 - The Final Countdown

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Fortunately for the group, Kizmel was able to explain exactly why the six of them had come back with nearly thirty prisoners, and one wounded Kales'Oh commander, and thankfully for them, Idrehendis had ordered that Wendelin be cared for as if he were one of their own. Until Wendelin woke up, the group were to be debriefed on what had happened, and were then to help with the final preparations for the defence of Lyusula.

That part terrified all of them. There was an incredibly real chance that an all out war was on the horizon, and they were now along for the ride... all they could do was hope that they'd been able to get the antidote to the King of Kales'Oh in time, because that really was their final chance to prevent the inevitable.

In the end, it had taken until the next day for him to wake up, and unsurprisingly he'd woken up incredibly confused at not only where he was, but what had happened. None of them could blame him for that, really, and once the situation had been cleared up, the group had escorted him to the Queen's Chamber, where they were now...

Once they'd entered, Kizmel had closed, and barricaded the door, a sure sign that whatever was going on, was not to be known by the rank and file. Or anyone outside of that room. ''Ah, Wendelin, I believe. I am glad that our healers did their best to help you, and I assure you, none of your men have been harmed.'' Idrehendis began the meeting.

''They were not my men. They were the chancellor's. Their families were at risk, should they have sided with me, so I hold no ill will towards them.'' Wendelin seemed less angry at the fact he'd been captured by his own men, and more that the chancellor had managed to get to them instead. The man was a coward, and a snake, hell bent on gaining power, with little respect for anyone he viewed as beneath him.

''Yes, I realise now.'' Idrehendis sympathised with the commander. There were always troublemakers amongst each faction, but to stoop so low as to side with evil, and to involve innocents in their scheming, was truly despicable. ''I have it on good authority that you are standing against him?'' She asked, already knowing the answer.

''I am. I do not want this war, and I wish to be rid of the Fallen, once and for all.'' Wendelin spoke with resolve, a testament to his character. Of course, the argument that Jet had no doubts Mito would make was that he was programmed to be one of the good ones, but perhaps the AI involved was a little smarter than any of them gave it credit for...

''Then on that, we are all agreed.'' An unfamiliar male voice echoed around the room, much to the confusion of the group. The voice sounded rough, as if the person had only just gotten up from being... oh. Oh! Jet thought to himself, realising exactly who was speaking... they'd actually done it! The antidote had made it! Something told him that everyone else was just as thrilled at that news as he was, Koharu drawing him into a hug, whilst Rain and Philla high fived each other with grins on their faces, and even Mito looked pretty pleased at the news, this being the first time they'd seen her properly smile...

''Your highness?!'' Wendelin looked positively shocked at the voice, whilst Jet could've sworn he saw a slight smirk on the Queen's face, even if only for a brief moment. ''How!''

''That does not matter right now, Wendelin, but I must applaud you on your efforts, and unwavering loyalty. Thank you.'' The voice stated, almost with a sense of pride in there.

''It was my duty, sir, nothing more.'' In the time they'd known Wendelin, they'd known him to be no nonsense, and to see him bristling under the praise, was kind of amusing.

''Yes, well, that does not change your actions, commander. Your Majesty, Idrehendis, I apologise for the impolite nature of our meeting, but as you are aware...''

''Worry not, my own wounds from the Fallen haven't healed yet either. However, to business. Thanks to our human allies, we are aware of the Fallen's leader, N'itzaah, and we believe that he is working to release the First Fallen.''

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