Floor 3 - Chapter 5 - Intruder Window

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Small interjection before I start this chapter, I now have a Twitter account that I'll be using to provide updates on my stories - so this, and my own original works - as well as sometimes adding in artwork from each story, when I've actually made it. Feel free to follow, or not, and ask questions there!

Twitter - SAO_Jet_knight

I also have a Deviant Art account, that I will occasionally add non-canon or not-yet-canon snippets of story to, alongside artwork. Most of those will be just very short, and silly one shots.

DA - midlandaj2901

Thanks for listening, and onwards with the story!

Just outside the perimeter wall of the Forest Elves Camp, Floor 3 - 19:37pm

Koharu and Kizmel fought their way through the foliage to reach the rendezvous point, reaching it just a few minutes after separating from Jet and Rain.

''You two are early!'' - Argo seemed far too cheerful for the mission they currently had... - ''Holy-! It's... that's a Dark Elven Royal Guard?! An' she's a party member?!'' - The Rat raced around Kizmel, like a child hopped up on sweets, who'd evidently gotten fed up by the girl's jumping around, and whisper shouting, and was now staring down Argo... who, for the first time in Koharu's experience, actually yielded, and frantically tried not to scream - ''Ah, nah, nah, yikes! That elite mob menace is in full effect! Trust me! Spare me!'' - The Rat begged overdramatically. Koharu looked almost disappointed in Argo, before she explained the situation to Kizmel.

''She's an ally. Argo, this Kizmel, Royal Guard of Lyusula. She's here to help us infiltrate the camp.''

''It's an honour to make your acquaintance, Kizmel, Royal Guard of Lyusula. My name is Argo, and the pleasure is all mine!'' - Kizmel held her fist to her chestplate in a salute.

''Your help is much appreciated. On that note, Koharu has told me that you are an... how did she put it? Info agent? What sort of job is that?'' - Argo gave off her usual smug look whenever she was teasing any of the four, which worried both Asuna and Koharu... where was she going with this?

''I'd tell ya... but summat tells me, ya don't have enough col on ya...'' - Argo leant in towards Kizmel, and attempted to wrap her arm around the taller elf... which was a sight Kirito wished he'd had a record crystal for, as her arm was now well above her own head... - ''Whaddya say? Mind payin' me wit' knowledge of the knights formations on the fourth floor and upwards?...'' - Argo winked, leaning on the Dark Elf.

Kizmel sighed in understanding - ''Oh, so it's that sort of business. Very interesting.'' - Kizmel moved, and the smaller girl lost her balance momentarily, as she moved over to Asuna and Koharu, pulling the two girls into a weird impromptu hug...

''Oh! But other than that, I'm a big sister to these three here!'' - She would've pulled Kirito into the hug too... but he'd moved out of her reach when he realised her game. Kizmel let out a soft laugh... - ''What a coincidence... so am I!'' - Argo's expression went through the motions, before settling on a quiet look that any man in the room would've noticed was that of impending doom...

The group formed a line, near the wall - Kirito going first, at the request of Asuna, followed by Argo, Koharu, Asuna and Kizmel, the group landing behind a pile of crates.

Thump. The smallest of them landed first, and Argo took cover behind an extruded part of the wall. Koharu was next, landing as gently as she could, and immediately hiding behind some boxes.

Koharu looked around, they really were behind enemy lines now, and there was no room for error here. She took a leaf out of her partner's book, and counted how many Forest Elves she could see - twelve of them, and Lind, the leader of the DKB, who looked less like a leader, and more like the grunt tasked with the most boring job possible. A soft thud, as Kizmel reached the ground, and the group took cover behind a large number of boxes left there. If they were on time, they'd have just short of fifteen minutes to get those orders, and get out, before the actual fighting started. None of them were particularly happy at either Kibaou or Lind for that, but both had to contend with elements of their guilds that were just spoiling for a fight anyway, and that this collision of paths happened to be a brilliant excuse for them. Despite that, the two leaders had reassured the group that they'd be ensuring their members only fought the actual enemy, and not other players. None of them fully believed that, even for a second, but it was at least a bit reassuring that they had actually thought about that, Koharu thought to herself. Even so, she couldn't contend with the idea that she could be, admittedly indirectly, responsible for any player deaths. She'd never forgive herself for that, as so she spoke to Kizmel - ''Kizmel, there are humans amongst the guards. I know I have no real right to ask this, but we want to avoid battle. Even if they turn their blades on you, please don't harm them.''

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