Floor 9 - Chapter 1 - Don't Fear The Reaper...

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January 9th, 2023 - Floor 9, Teleport Gate

Arriving on the Ninth Floor, each of the group had a common thought... that they may or may not have wanted to ditch the winter gear now, given the sun was shining down through the canopy of the trees.

Not that that was much relief for the male member of the group, who was currently sweating like the Duke of York, a fact that his girlfriend found some solace in... ''Little bit warm?'' Koharu asked in a sweet voice, that Jet knew was concealing just how much she wanted to laugh.

''Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, Koharu...'' Usually, Jet would've been mildly annoyed at the laughing, but after the last floor, he kind of admitted he deserved it... and besides, he wasn't the only one in this situation.

''Oh don't worry, I will... umm, where's Rain?'' The damp dog that was now Jet pointed back at a tree a few metres back, and to the other coated member of the group, now resting against a tree, and looking equally as unhappy.

''I think we should probably swap back to our normal gear... even I'm getting a bit hot here.'' Phillia pointed out, as Jet made haste and hid behind a tree to change...

After a short break, the group, now wearing their normal attire, were back on the move, and heading deep into the forest...

''Please tell me I'm not the only one constantly expecting that trees to try and grab us...'' Koharu mumbled, as Jet nodded in sympathy. That part of the third floor was an absolute nightmare for everyone, and Jet was glad they'd likely never have to go through there again.

''Whoever designed that floor was evil...'' Phillia agreed, ''Try looking for objects buried in the mud, when you have to worry that a tree might suddenly pop to life and grab you!'' Something in her tone told the rest of the group that Phillia had had her own share of adventures before they'd met her...

''Agreed. Still better than the fifth though...'' Phillia joked, doing her best impression of a ghost, causing them to burst into laughter. ''I still can't believe that you and Strea are related, you know? You look nothing alike!''

''Well, yeah, she's using an avatar, I'm not. We do look more alike IRL, you know.'' Jet pointed out, as Phillia shrugged.

''Whatever you say, Jethro.'' Phillia smirked, as Jet's eye twitched.

''I hear something...'' Rain, having taken point for the group. called out. The noises were those of clashing blades, which almost certainly meant they were about to find the next quest in the Elf War Campaign...

The group ran further into the forest, following Phillia as they did, her Tracking skill being exponentially higher than the rest of the group's, and before too long, they'd reached the area where two Elves were fighting off a not insubstantial number of Fallen Elves. That was to be expected at this point in the quest... what wasn't, however, was that the Elves were Forest Elves, not Dark Elves. ''Is this the right quest?'' Phillia asked, slightly confused.

''It should be?'' This was odd, Jet thought to himself. Other than on the last floor, where it had been a matter of helping the commander, rather than them actually being allies...

''What is the meaning of this treachery! You dare spit in the face of our alliance?!'' The Forest Elf asked, scandalised at their supposed allies betrayal...

''Our instructions are to purge those who will not follow the wishes of the King. Do not prolong this any further than is needed...'' The Fallen began to advance on the Forest Elf... ''And we are no more than rabbits caught in a snare...'' The knight snarled, as a Fallen Elf lunged at her, their sabre tearing into them, ''Wendelin! Quick! Run!''

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