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"THATTA BOY, SAMMY! That's right. I won, again. Give me my money. See, thats what happens when you trash talk. You lose. Thank you, thank you." The two men chuckled at Hazel's childish behavior, Sam reaching into his pocket to pull out a fifty. He quickly handed it to the Barton girl, shaking his head because this was the second game he had lost to her.

    "How do you keep winning? It's gotta be rigged." Steve chuckled as he brought his hand down onto Sams shoulder, the shorter man's head hanging low in defeat. The red head chuckled, shoving the money into her back pocket with the other fifty dollar bill she had won only minutes earlier.

    "Need I remind you who my brother is? I've been a sharp shooter since I was a teen, Sammy." Sam chuckled as the three made their way through the party, walking up the stairs to look over the ledge as they talked about their missions.

    "I'm very happy chasing cold leads on our missing persons case." Steve and Hazel looked at each other, the super soldier watching as the girl gave him a reassuring smile. They had spent almost a year looking for Steve's best friend, Bucky, who had turned out to be an assassin under the control of Hydra. "Avenging is your guys' world. Your guys' world is crazy."

    "Be it ever so humble."

    "You find a place in Brooklyn yet?" Steve shook his head, telling the man he didn't think he could afford a place in Brooklyn, making Hazel chuckle.

    "Well, home is home, you know? And you, Ms. Hazel. Anything new with you?" Hazel leaned over the railing, smiling as she shook her head at the shorter man.

    "Nothing new with me, bird boy. Just doing my job as best as I can. I turn twenty one soon, so that's always fun. I'm getting old." Sam placed his hand over his heart like he was hurt, looking at Steve with a gaped mouth. "Okay, I'll leave you two oldies to discuss your retirement plans." Hazel grinned as she made her way past the two men, saying hi to people as she passed them.

"Did she just say that?"

"She just did."


After a few hours, most of the guests had, leaving the group of heroes, Maria, and Dr. Cho, who sat around the table with Thors hammer placed on it.

"But, it's a trick!" Haze nodded her head in agreement with her older brother, who sat on the floor facing her, twirling his drumstick around his fingers. The younger Barton sat down on the floor to the side of Steve, listening as the God told them it was much more than that. "Uh, whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power!Whatever man! It's a trick." Thor chuckled, motioning towards the hammer.

"Well please, be my guest." Clint looked at the man as Hazel raised her hand in question.

"I have a question, you royal pain." Thor grinned, raising his brow as she asked him, sitting up a little straighter. "So, if you can hold it, you're worthy, right?" The tall God of Thunder nodded his head, telling her that was the idea. "So, does that mean the tables worthy?" The group chuckled as Clint got off of the floor, walking over to the hammer.

"Oh, this is gonna be beautiful." Hazel beamed in excitement as her brother wrapped her hand around the hammer, Tony putting in his two cents.

"Clint, you've had a tough week, we won't hold it against you if you can't get it up."

"You know I've seen this before, right?" The group laughed as Clint pulled up, grunting as he let go, not being able to pick it. "I still don't know how you do it."

"Smell the silent judgment?" Clint looked at the billionaire, motioning towards him and then the hammer.

"Please, Stark, by all means." The brunette man gets up, unbuttoning his coat as he made his way towards the front.

"Never one to shrink from an honest challenge. It's physics." The group watched as Tony placed his hand through the leather strap and then placing his hand on the hammer. "Right, so, if I lift it, I...I then rule Asgard?" The long haired man nodded his head as the cocky brunette continued to talk. "I will be re-instituting Prima Nocta." Tony quickly tries to lift the hammer, failing before walking away from the table. "I'll be right back." Wearing his armored hand, Tony returns and tries to lift the hammer again, failing another time. "Rhodey." The other man gets up from his seat, both with armored hands as they try to lift the hammer together.

"Are you even pulling?" The two men each had a foot up on the table, arguing with each other.

"Are you on my team?"

"Just represent! Pull!" After multiple failed attempts, the two give up, Bruce now stepping up to give it a shot. The scientist using both feet to try and create leverage as he roars, trying to use the Hulk to pick it up, making him look stupid.

"You going, Steve?" The Rogers man looked at the girl down on the floor, nodding his head as he rolls his sleeves up higher.

"Let's go, Steve, no pressure."

"Come on, Cap." Hazel watched one of her best friends pull on the hammer, managing to budge it a little making Thors eyes widened. Apparently, it was only Thor and Hazel who seemed to notice. Steve let's his grip go, the God laughing in worry and relief.

"Nothing." Tony then looks to Nat, asking if she wants to try, only for her to shake her head. Everyone turned to Hazel, who rolled her eyes, getting up from her spot on the floor.

"Everyone ready?" The group watched the red head as she grabbed the handle. She was already sure she was going to struggle to try and pick it up, but when she attempted to move it, it was light. Hazel knew that if she lifted it up, she would be dealt a great load of responsibility and she wasn't up for that. So, the Barton girl pretended to struggle, sighing as she let go. Thors eyes were on her, like he knew that she had played it off.

"All deference to the man who wouldn't be king, but it's rigged."

"You bet your ass." Hazel went to sit down next to Steve, on the couch though this time.

"Steve, he said a bad language word."

"Did you tell everyone about that?" Hazel grinned as Tony spoke to the Asgardian.

"The handle's imprinted, right? Like a security code. Whosoever is carrying Thor's fingerprints is, I think, the literal translation?"

"Yes, well that's, uh, that's a very, very interesting theory. I have a simpler one." The man gets up, lifting his hammer and flipping it. "You're all not worthy." There's a chorus of disagreement from the others when suddenly a screeching noise blares through the compound. Everyone covers their ears, looking around for the thing creating the noise. One of Tony's boys from the Iron Legionnaire comes out into the dim light, oil running down its torn up metal frame.

"Worthy... No, how could you be worthy? You're all killers."

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