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HAZEL WOKE UP TO HER HAND ENTANGLED WITH ANOTHER. Her eyes remained closed for a moment as she took a deep breath, turning to who she assumed would be her big brother but instead she met eyes with a silver haired Sokovian.

    "Pietro? Where is everyone?" The boy sat up a bit taller in his chair, grabbing Hazel's right hand with both of his.

    "Most of them are asleep outside. Your brother is on the phone with a woman and he's crying quite a bit." The red head nodded in understanding and response as her eyes glanced over the boys face. His eyes were puffy and his nose was red, tears stained his cheeks.

    "Are you okay?" The boy chuckled as he looked down at the red head.

    "You're asking if I'm okay when you're the one in the hospital bed?" Hazel nodded in response again as Pietro continued. "You are something else, draga."

    "What does that mean? You called me it when I was hurt out on the field too." Pietro sighed, looking down at their entertained hands, smiling to himself before looking back up at her.

    "It means dear one, or darling even. My father used to call my mother that and she called us that. Its just a little name, you know?" Hazel grinned as she turned her body just a little bit, groaning as pain ran down her spine. Pietro went to help her, but she shook her head, telling him she was fine. "How could you be fine? There are three bullet wounds in your back."

    "It's all apart of the job, Sonic."

    "Thank you." Pietro removed one of his hands from Hazel's, using his fingers to move Hazel's deep red hair behind her ear, making her smile. "I wouldn't be alive right now if it weren't for you. You saved my life, draga. I don't know how I could ever repay you."

    "You don't have to. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I just stood there and watched you die. I had to do something about it. And I'm glad I did." Pietro soft grinned as he whispered to her.

    "You're my hero, Hazel. And I meant what I said. I like you, a lot."

"Who doesn't?" Pietro scoffed with a smile on his face as he shook his head. "I'm kidding, I like you too."

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