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"THE NEWS IS LOVING YOU GUYS. Nobody else is. There's been no official call for Banner's arrest, but it's in the air." Hazel sighed as she laid chest down on the table, Steve stitching her up this time. She knew that the four Avengers had gone through a great deal of emotions, having to go through what were pretty much nightmares.

"Stark Relief Foundation?" Hazel could only listen to the conversations around her, her eyes looking at the doors that led to the exit of the jet. She knew no one was up for one of her stupid jokes or sarcastic comments, so she kept them to herself.

"Already on the scene. How's the team?"

"Everyone's..." Looking around, the billionaire saw sadness, fear, and anger, so he didn't want to make things worse than they were. "We took a hit. We'll shake it off." Steve tapped the girls arm, letting her know he had finished. The Barton girl sat up on the table, zipping up the rest of her black suit.

"Well for now I'd stay in stealth mode, and stay away from here." Steve slowly found his seat, Hazel walking over to her brother, who was flying the jet.

"Safe house?" Clint didn't look at his sister, just kept his eyes on the open sky in front of him, nodding. Suddenly, Tony walks up to the two Barton's, asking if he wanted to switch.

"No, I'm good. If you wanna get some kip, now's a good time, cause we're still a few hours out."

"A few hours from where?" Tony felt a glare coming from his side, knowing Hazel was staring him down. He wasn't going to look and make eye contact because that was probably the worst option. Hazel just scoffed, shaking her head as she made her way to the back where Steve sat.

"A safe house." Tony sighed, shaking his head making the older Barton chuckle. "She's still mad because you haven't even tried to make things right. No apology, nothing. And you know Hazel will forgive you if you sincerely apologize, because that's who she is."

"Yeah, I know."


The group of Avengers walked through the green pasture. Clint had to holdNat up as Hazel quickly walked to the house with a grin on her face. Everyone else looked around in confusion, not knowing what this place was.

"What is this place?" Hazel smiled as she opened the front door, the smell of home cooked food just hitting her in the face.

"Honey, I'm home." Clint and Nat chuckled as they watched the younger Barton practically jump at the sight of Clint's wife. "Laurie!"

"Haze!" The two women engulfed each other, Laura's bump forcing the red head to slightly move around it. After pulling apart, the woman had realized her husband had come home too, with a few somewhat unfamiliar people.

"Hi. Company. Sorry I didn't call ahead." The women grinned, just happy to have more family come home as she set her kids drawings down. The brunette lady placed a peck on her husbands lips, making Hazel and Nat smile.

"This is an agent of some kind."

"Gentlemen, this is Laura."

"I know all of your names." The two red heads chuckled as the sound a footsteps echoed throughout the house. The two Barton kids ran down the steps, straight into their fathers arms.

"Hey, sweetheart. Hi, buddy. How are you guys doing?" Steve looked at the sight in confusion, turning to Hazel in question.

"He has kids?" Hazel grinned, nodding her head as she watched her niece and nephew let go of their father.

"These are smaller agents." The younger red head rolled her eyes as Lila looked up at her father, asking if he had brought Auntie Nat while Cooper beamed, asking for Hazel.

"You know, Coop. It really hurts that you didn't come hug me first." Lila ran to Nat while Cooper ran to Hazel, the boy engulfing her in his shorter arms. "Oh, I missed you so much, Coop."

"I missed you too, Hazey." The boy pulled away from the woman, looking up at her. "Did dad tell you I got more books? And I even got a skateboard for my birthday." Hazel laughed, as the rest of the team watched, apologizing for barging in.

"Who do you think got you the skateboard?" The red head watched the way her nephews eyes widened, his smile becoming bigger as he threw his arms around her.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"Fury helped me set this up when I joined. And when Hazel was old enough, she came here too. Kept it off Shields files and I'd like to keep it that way. I figure it's a good place to lay low." The two red heads nodded in agreement before both walking over to Laura.

"How's little Natasha?" Hazels jaw dropped, looking at her sister in law in shock.

"I though you were naming her after me?" Laura grinned, shaking her head.

"Lila's middle name is Hazel."

"So? Hazel is a very good name." Nat smiled victoriously as Hazel huffed in defeat, shaking her head.

"Actually. She's... Nathaniel." Hazel snorted in laughter, pointing at Nat, who didn't look to happy. The woman leaning down a bit to call the baby in Laura's belly a traitor.

"Haze! I need your help!" Hazel beamed in pure excitement as she walked into the kitchen to help her nephew, the group of heroes talking. Steve quietly watched his friend help the boy cut his apple into smaller pieces. After the incident that happened a few years earlier, Cooper wasn't allowed to use knives for a while. He grinned as the sound of the toaster sort of spooked Thor, the tall Asgardian walking out of the house, leaving everyone confused.

"Where's Barbie going?"

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