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    "HEY, THOUGHT YOU COULD- where's your sister?" The platinum haired boy chuckled as he finished up lacing his shoes, looking up at the girl before him.

    "Just looking around out there before we have to go back." Hazel watched as Pietro took a deep breathe, his hands barely trembling, but not going unnoticed by the girl.

    "Hey, uhm, I know you're probably scared and everything. First day as an avenger and all, I get it. But, there's no reason to be. As Avengers, we put others before ourselves, that means, we put each other before ourselves. So everyone will look out for Wanda, and you. It'll all be okay. We can handle it." Pietro looked up at the girl, nodding his head as he took another deep breath in.

    "Were you nervous before your first mission?" The red headed girl nodded quickly as a grin appeared on her face.

    "Of course. Little thirteen year old Hazel wasn't ready for that first mission. But I pushed through because I knew I needed to do my job. Going on the mission and staring my career as an Avenger was a good decision for me. I've learned a lot." Pietro nodded in understanding as he stood up from his seat, now looking down into Hazel's eyes.

    "Thank you, Hazel."

    "Anytime, Pietro." The blonde grinned, telling the girl she said his name for the first time. "I take back everything I said. Have fun out there, Sonic." Pietro laughed as he watched the red head walk out of the room, a smile on her face.

    "What am I doing?"


On the quinjet, Hazel watched as Pietros leg bounced up and down, looking away from his leg to see that he was already looking at her. She gave him a reassuring grin, to which he nodded his head. Wanda noticed the way Pietro looked at the girl, looking into both of their minds to see nothing but mixed feelings and confusion.

    "Ultron knows we're coming. Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire, and that's what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia, they didn't. So our priority is getting them out." The team nodded in agreement as Steve went over the plan.  "Hazel, Pietro, Wanda, get everyone out of the city. Banner, find Nat..."


Pietro sped into the Sokovian police station, yelling at all of the officers and workers.

    "We're under attack! Clear the city, now!" No one takes the platnium blonde seriously so when he returned, he shot bullets through the ceiling to get everyone's attention. "Get off your asses." When he got back outside, he was met with a smiling Hazel, who was leading people out to safety.

    "Really? A rifle?"

    "What? They weren't listening." The red headed Barton chuckled as she shook her head. Wanda, on the other side of the city, was using her powers to evacuate the city, making people leave.

    "All they want is to live their lives in peace, and that's not going to happen today. But we can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done, and find out what Ultron's been building. We find Romanoff, and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us. Ultron thinks we're monsters and we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right."


    "Hey, I could use some help over here." Steve and the rest of the team practically froze in confusion, never hearing those words come from Hazel. Majority of the time, she was able to handle up to twenty men at once because of her powers. Heading her ask for help scared the team.

    "Roadrunner, get to my sister, now!" Pietro didn't hesitate before running in the direction of where he had been asked to leave Hazel. He found her after a few seconds being surrounded forty drones. How she managed to let that happen was beyond him. When he got closer, he realized she was hurt, the girl clutching her side as she tried to hold herself up, protecting something behind her.

    "Pietro, help me clear them out please." The Sokovian boy heard the way her voice trembled as he sped towards her, helping her take down as many drones as he could while her shadows wiped out the rest. When it was finally clear of drones, Pietro made his way towards her, just as her knees hit the floor.

    "Okay, I've got you." The blonde helped her stabilize herself as he was met with what was behind her. A pair of fairly young siblings, maybe five and seven, and their little puppy, which was wrapped in the arms of the little girl. "I'll get them out and come back for you. Just hold on for a second, draga." The redhead nodded as she clutched her side, the boy grabbing both siblings at the same time before immediately coming back.

    "Oh fuck."

    "Watch your language."

    "Steve, respectfully, shut up. Please." Steve chuckled as the girl on the comms sighed. Hazel got up from her spot on the ground, just as Pietro got back.

    "What are you doing? You're hurt." Hazel waved him off, telling him she was fine. "No you're not. Let me help you."

    "You already did. Just please, let me go do my job." Pietro looked into the girls eyes for a moment, convincing himself that it was a good idea.

    "Okay. Go be a hero."

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