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AS THE REST OF THE TEAM JOINED WANDA AND VISION, Pietro looked over to his sister, asking if she was okay. The dark haired girl nodded her head in response to her older brother.

    "Romanoff? You and Banner better not be playing hide the zucchini." Hazel chuckled as she listened to the two talk on the comms.

    "Relax, Shell-head. Not all of us can fly." The woman was quick to join the rest of the team, turning to the man in the iron suit. "What's the drill?" Tony turned, pointing to the Vibranium core in the center of the building.

    "This is the drill. If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose." Hazel watched in confusion as Steve and Tony looked at her, her brows knitted together.

    "Why are you grandpas staring at me like that? Am I the sacrifice or something? Ugh, I fucking knew it-" Before she could continue, Steve shook his head, cutting her off.

    "We need you to shield the drill. Use your powers and make sure nothing touches it." Just as Bruce got to the others, Ultron flew down towards the ground, grabbing everyone's attention as Hazel used her powers to create a giant force field around the drill out of her shadows.

    "Is that the best you can do?" The younger Barton rolled her eyes as she kept her focus on the drill in front of her.

    "Good going, Barbie." The tall robot held his hand up as his robot arm ran and flew towards the building, making the red head sigh.

    "This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you, against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?" Tony turned to Steve and then Ultron.

    "Well, like the old man said. Together." Bruce, who's now the Hulk, roars in frustration as the robots surround the building. "Keep them away from Hazel!" The robots begin their attack, all of them having one goal in mind, get to the drill. While protecting the drill with one hand, Hazel used the other to control her shadows and fight off robots.

    "God, I love my job sometimes." The fighting continues for about five more minutes before it begins to die down. Vision was occupied with Ultron, fighting him off in the air before using the stone in his forehead to push him outside. Thor and Tony were quick to follow behind, using their own powers to damage to vibranium body.

    "You know, with the benefit of hindsight-" Hulk was quick to interrupt the robot, punching him out of view and into the sky, making the other robots flee the scene.

    "They'll try to leave the city."

    "We can't let 'em, not even one. Rhodey!" Hazel's hands fell, finally being able to let the shadow shield fall, exposing the drill to everyone.

    "We gotta move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats, I'll sweep for stragglers, be right behind you." Everyone nodded in agreement as Clint questioned him, asking about the drill his sister had been protecting. Before she could volunteer to continue guarding it, Wanda spoke up, her accent thick.

    "I'll protect it. It's my job." Clint nodded his head in understanding as he, Nat, and Steve leave, Pietro turning to his younger sister. "Get the people on the boats."

    "I'm not going to leave you here." Wanda glanced over at her brother, and then the girl who began her walk back to the boats, softly grinning at her brother.

    "I can handle this. Go help Hazel with the civilians. Come back for me when everyone else is off, not before." Pietro noticed the hint of amusement in her voice when she mentioned Hazel, making him hum in response. "You understand?"

    "You know, I'm twelve minutes older than you." The younger girl chuckled before telling the blonde to go, which he did. On his way back, he stopped beside Hazel, making her gasp as she jumped away.

    "You asshole, you scared me."

    "Didn't see me coming, red?" The Barton girl sarcastically chuckled, making the boy laugh, the two looking around for any stragglers on their way back.

    "If I saw you, I wouldn't have jumped, now would I?" The blonde grinned as he placed his hand on the girls forearm, stopping her from her walk. "What are you doing? We have to get back." Without thinking, Pietro stepped towards the girl, his hands cupping her jaw as he pulled her towards him. Their lips met in the middle as Hazel's shoulders dropped, her right hand placing itself on his forearm. They stayed like that for about twelve seconds before she pulled away, both trying to catch their breathes. "What was that for?"

    "I like you, red. This might not have been the best time to do that, but I couldn't help myself." Hazel chuckled as she looked up at her, a grin on both of their faces.

    "I knew it."

    "Oh shut up." Before the red headed Barton girl could say anything else, the boy scooped her up into his arms and ran her towards the ships.

    "Pietro, oh my gosh. You motherfucker!" Pietro smiled as he placed her feet on the ground of the boat, laughing as she turned to him with a glare on her face. "You think it's funny?"

    "Yeah, it's cute when you get scared and hang on to me like you did."

    "Shut up." From farther away, the two heard the sound of yelling. They both turned to see a woman standing in front of Clint, tears falling from her eyes. The two twenty year olds watched as the older man began to jog away from the woman, probably going to find someone for her. Hazel and Pietro didn't think anything would happen until the sound of the Quinjet flying in came from the sky. Bullets rained down on the flying city as it flew towards where Clint was. "Oh my god." Pietro didn't hesitate before running towards the man, using his powers to move a car in front of him and the boy he had found. The Maximoff boy shut his eyes, waiting to take the impact on the raining bullets, but when the bullets passed over, he opened his eyes. He hadn't been hit.

"No." Two arms wrapped around his back and shoulders, a warm body pressed against his. "Red." The Sokovian caught her before she hit the floor, her shadow wall falling to the ground. How she got to him so fast was beyond him. Clint kept his arms around the young boy as he turned around, wondering who had saved their lives.

"Hazel." Pietro cradled the girl in his arms as he knelt down, gently keeping her from hitting the rock and dirt below her. Her eyes stared into Pietros as she spoke, her voice raspy.

"We put others before ourselves. I told you that." Pietro shook his head as he removed his hand from behind her back, seeing the red liquid coat his fingers.

"Hazel, no!" Clint let the boy go back with the Shield agents as he kneeled down at his sisters side. "Get her onto the boat and with medics. Hurry!" Pietro didn't hesitate to pick the girl up and carry her to the life boats where medics began to help. The boy placed her on the floor as medics swarmed her body, pushing the fast boy out of the way.

"Please live. Please live."

i could have my fav Pietro die
sucks to suck hazel lol

I'm giving this chapter a
solid 7.68 yk

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