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"DON'T COMPARE ME WITH STARK! It's a thing with me. Stark is... He's a sickness." Hazel chuckled, stepping out from the shadows with Thor and Steve on either side of her, her hands clasped together behind her back, a smirk on her face.

"More like a pain in my ass, but he's okay." As much as Hazel hated, she knew that she and Tony would have to hide the fact that she hated him for the time being and act like teammates. The robot couldn't know anymore of their weaknesses than he already does.

"That was really something coming from you, kid." The man had landed in front of Hazel, the girl keeping her eyes on the twins in case they did anything. "But Junior... you're gonna break your old man's heart."

"If I have to." Hazel had caught a glimpse of the boy who stood near his sister, all three of them standing behind dumb hunks of metal. She watched the way his expression was cold when he looked at Tony and then became softer when they met eyes.

"Nobody has to break anything."

"Clearly you've never made an omelette." Hazel rolled her eyes as Tony turned to Thor, telling his the robot had beaten him by a second. She knew damn well he would have made that stupid ass joke because that's just who Tony was.

"Ah, yes. He's funny." The young Barton girl watched the boy walk foward, a smirk on his face when he spoke in his thick accent. "It's what? Comfortable? Like old times?"

    "This was never my life." The super soldier was quick to step forward, telling the twins they could still walk away from it all. The girl pouted sarcastically, making Hazel scoff and shake her head, the boy taking in all of her movements. Almost as if he were studying her to figure out her next play.

    "I know you've suffered."

    "Uuughh! Captain America. God's righteous man, pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but..." Thor interrupted the man, his voice becoming stern and lower than what it usually was.

    "If you believe in peace, then let us keep it." The robot sighed, shaking his head, telling the god he was confusing peace with quiet.

    "Yuh-huh. What's the Vibranium for?"

    "I'm glad you asked that, because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan." Before any of the heroes could comprehend what was happening, the robot used one of his weapons to pull Tony towards him, shooting him back into a wall. Two other robots headed straight towards Thor, Steve, and Hazel, but the girl had enough time to get her shadows up, using them as a force field, the robots falling to pieces. The twins looked at the girl in shock as she breathed out heavily, being very dramatic as she rested her hands on her hips.

    "Real clever, tin can." Tony chuckled as he shot himself towards the robot, Ultron doing the same thing as the Sokovian girl moved her hands around, her eyes turning red. The boy quickly put his hand up in front of her, two more robots coming out towards Steve and Thor.

    "I've got the pretty girl." Hazel smirked as she held one hand up, motioning for the boy to come towards her.

    "Catch me if you can, Sonic." The girl quickly turned invisible as her shadow monsters moved into the light towards the boys twin sister. Every so often the girl would reappearing a new spot, disappearing again when the boy got too close. "Come on, blondie. Keep up." Hazel revealed herself as the boy punched Steve in the face, the girl calling out to Thor for his hammer. The Asgardian hesitated for a quick second before throwing it to the girl, a smirk plastered on her face when she called it. The red headed Barton whistled, calling out to the boy. "Hey, Sonic!" The boys ears perked up as he stopped himself, the girl standing right in front of him with Mjolnir in her hands. "Heads up." Hazel threw the hammer in the boys direction, grinning when the hammer landed on the floor and the boy landed in the boxes below. Hazel watched as Steve jumped down onto the lower part of the ship after taking out more of the robots, slamming his shield into the boy that was attempting to get up.
    "Stay down, kid!" The boy didn't listen, heading straight for a very distracted Hazel, who was busy fighting off some gunman with her shadows. He practically tackled her through a glass window, her body hitting the floor as she tried to fight him off.

    "Why must stupid boys be so difficult?" She clenched her fists as she attempted to stand up, using her shadows to hold him in place like she had when they first ran into each other. "I think you opened up my stitches, you asshole. Fuck, I need a breather." The boy chuckled, a sly grin on his face as they both listened to the fights going on around them. "You don't have to do this, you know? Ultrons not the good guy you think he is." The boy scoffed, shaking his head as his eyes wandered away from hers.

    "Yeah, well Stark isn't either." Hazel sighed as she placed her hand over her shoulder, where her stitches were located. The feeling of warm liquids seeped through her black suit. Removing her hand from her shoulder, she looked at it to see the reminisce of blood on her fingers.

    "Well, no ones perfect. But Stark isn't the one trying to take over the world." The boy clenched his jaw, not believing a word she had said as she placed her back against the wall. "You and your sister could walk away from all of this." The blonde boy shook his head again, trying to now fight against her powers, making her sigh. "Here, I'll let you go. I got my breather. Just please, think about it. I know what it's like. I was a Hydra experiment too." The boys eyes softened, now knowing what she had probably gone through as she moved her hands around like his sister did with her powers, releasing him from her powers grasps.

    "Haze, we need you up here, now." The girl sighed as she moved from her spot against the wall, ready to fight again.

    "That's my cue to go. Fun talk, Sonic." The youngest Barton began to walk past the boy, the blonde mumbling something to her. She had been unable to hear with all of the blasts going on outside of the small room so she turned to him in question. "Sorry, what?"

    "My name's Pietro, but you keep calling me Sonic. I don't even know who Sonic is." Hazel's jaw practically hit the floor as she gasped, making the Sokovian boy chuckle, enjoying their short conversation more than he should've.

    "That is complete madness and absolutely crazy talk. But, I'm Hazel, the girl who keeps kicking your ass." Pietro watched as the girl winked at him, turning completely invisible and probably running away to wherever she was called.

    "Thor! Hey, buddy. What's your status?" The girl had to fight off some gunman while she listened for a response from the Asgardian, quickly making her way up to where her brother was.

    "The girl tried to warp my mind. Take special care, I doubt a human could keep her at bay. Fortunately, I am mighty." Just then, Thor went silent, the girl finally finding her brother.

    "Hey, birdshit. Need some help?" Clint grinned as he shook his head, shooting arrows at robots and gunman below.

    "I don't know where Nat went. You seen her?" Suddenly, Clint turns, pulling one of his shock arrows out of his carrier, placing it on the Sokovian girls forehead. "I've done the whole mind control thing. Not a fan." Just as Clint was about to remove the arrow, Pietro zooms in to grab his sister, shoving Clint into a window.

    "What is it with you shoving people through glass?" The boy shrugs with a grin on his face as he removes the arrow from his sisters forehead, picking her up and running her outside.

    "Yeah, you better run." The youngest sister smiles as she goes to help her brother stand, the older Barton touching his comm to talk to the team. "Whoever's standing, we gotta move! Guys?"

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