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    HAZEL SAT IN HER PARENTS LAB, curled up in a ball as tears rolled down her cheeks. They had just finished experimenting on her, to the point where she was so exhausted, she couldn't move. The young eleven year old glanced at her parents through the glass, the two adults taking notes on her movements and behavior.

    "Mom! Please! No, no, no! I'll behave. Please!" Her mother, who hardly acted like one, just watched her daughter cry out for her, when suddenly, a loud boom rang through the entire building. Sirens blared as lights began to flash, making the girl cover her ears as she winced in pain.

    "We have a breach! This lab needs to be cleared immediately." Hazels parents looked at each other before looking back at the young girl.

    "We can't bring her, Daniel. We don't know if she's taken to the serum. We can't put ourselves at risk. We need to get to the jet." The two adults quickly ran out of the room, leaving the redheaded girl alone in the clear boxed room.

    "Mom! Dad! Please, don't leave me. I'll be good! I promise." Loud noises came from outside the lab, making the girl cry harder, realizing her parents weren't coming back for her. The girls cried got louder as a dark shadow washed over the walls behind her. On the other side of the door, down the hall was Clint Barton, on his fifth mission of the year. He heard the cries of the young girl, turning to Natasha with a confused look on his face.

    "Clint, we need to move. Now."

    "Wait. There's someone in there." The man and woman walked towards the door, carefully, Clint clutching his bow as Nat held up her gun. "On three." The red headed woman nodded her head as she aimed her gun at the handle with had a keypad on it. "One, two, three." The woman shot at the lock, kicking the door open as they held up their weapons, only to see the young girl on the floor. "Shit." In the small glass looking box sat a small girl in the corner, shadows falling around her as she cried.

    "Get me out of here. Please, get me out."

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